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Was Voice Morphing Used In The 9/11 Phone Calls?

Who calls his mom and says,"Mom, this is Mark Bingham"?

Update: can you be sure of this?

Update 2:

Panic and confusuion. You are probably right. I'm sure that explains why Barbara Olson called Ted collect on her cell phone.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No voice morphing was used

  • 1 decade ago

    A person who realizes he is going to die and is panicking and confused? Besides, that phrase comes from that sweet little radio episode where Jason Bermas and Dylan Avery of Loose Change completely ridicule the people who died on United 93, and we are well aware of how easy it is for them to make up falsehoods. You should read the entire thing sometime.

    But back to your question--why don't you contact Jeremy Glick's wife or any of the others who got last-minute phone calls from their soon-to-be dead loved ones and ask them, if you think you're so damn smart. Hope you have good health insurance.

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