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Melissa asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

what are good things to say about co workers 5 easy points!?

I have a good list already started but need a few more still

we hardly know eachother and we wear unforms! So its hard to come up with things. I have 50 strangers I have to comment on! Any ideas? I give thumbs up and downs then when I can I always choose the best answer! Thanks so much for your time

5 Answers

  • Harry
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    easy to get along with

    hard working


    on time


    pleasant to work

    takes their job seriously

    happy person



    serious minded

    career oriented

    problem solver

    loves a challenge

    enjoys their job

    doesn't complain

    doesn't gossip



    does what they are told



    good worth ethic

    gives praise

    knows how to give and/or take constructive criticism

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    what are good things to say about co workers 5 easy points!?

    I have a good list already started but need a few more still

    we hardly know eachother and we wear unforms! So its hard to come up with things. I have 50 strangers I have to comment on! Any ideas? I give thumbs up and downs then when I can I always choose the best answer! Thanks so much for your...

    Source(s): good workers 5 easy points:
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    First of all, what they are doing is actually illegal. You should keep notes on the dates and times of what was said and who said it to serve as evidence. Not only does this act as evidence, it also helps to calm you down as you objectify the occurrances. Talk to your line manager first. Explain that you are not comfortable with the sexual banter and would appreciate it if they could not do it while you are in earshot. (You don't need to, nor should you, go into any details of your own background). If you don't get any joy, explain that you will record any future instances and take it over their head. I have to say that usually my advise is just to develop a thicker skin. My suspicion is that they are playing up to you because they can see it's affecting you and you are a nerdy type who sits by herself studying and doesn't engage with the rest of them in the manner they expect. You will make something of yourself, they are stuck in their rut. That's not nice for them, so they get pleasure from teasing you (in this case in an unacceptable manner). Be firm, unemotional and matter of fact when you discuss it. Be clear that you regard it as unacceptable (which it is) and it really should get sorted. It's a shame it has taken you so long to get to the point of mentioning it, as it is best nipped in the bud and then it's less traumatic both for you and also for the people with the offending behaviour. I know your supervisor is one of the offenders, but you have to give him a chance to sort it first before you go over their head. I hope you will be suprised at how easy the outcome is. If it isn't then you owe it to yourself and everyone else to take it further. If they sack you, they won't have a leg to stand on in an industrial tribunal (make sure you keep that log, and record each incident within minutes or hours of each offense, not weeks, years later)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    That's sexual harrasment for sure. however your reaction to different actors in this play needs to be slightly different as these are varying degrees of harassment. I'll take your 5 examples. 1) As the coordinator is in the next scenario, I will wait to tell you what to do with him. confront the co-worker in example one and tell him you are uncomfortable with the conversation. don't mention why, don't mention anything other then that you want him to stop. this puts him on notice 2) Coordinator sounds like a supervisory or advisory position to you. I would first consult with an attorney, some will give you a free consultation. consult with an attorney who will talk with you for free and ask for legal advice, at the same time prepare a letter detailing that you feel threatened by his behavior, "i like virgins" when he has reason to believe you are one (it doesn't matter that you are actually a virgin, it only matters he believes you're one, you won't have to prove your virginity to file a complaint to him) is threatening. everyone has a supervisor, find the coordinators supervisor and tell him you are reporting THREATENING BEHAVIOR against you by this coordinator and turn in that letter. I would show a copy of this letter to the attorney while you consult with him, remember anything you say to a lawyer is privelaged, s/he won't talk to anyone about it. 3) inform female worker you are not interested in her son's pornography surfing. this puts her on notice, you can file a complaint after that 4) same as 1 and 3 5) she knows you're uncomfortable talking about it, you can either give warning or proceed straight to a complaint. for numbers 1, 3,4, and 5 6 tell each of these people verbally "This conversation makes me uncomfortable, please stop" is what you say. Also go to these co-worker's supervisor and provide him/her a typed letter stating "Co-workers X,Y, and Z are sexually harrassing me, coworker x has stated "I could get drunk with a vodka soaked tampon, I have verbally told him this makes me uncomfortable, coworker Y..... etc go down the list. DO NOT state you are a virgin, that you were abused, "this one time at band camp" just don't say anything about that, it doesn't matter, this is about them not you. Once the supervisors are aware this is going on the entire workplace can become liable if they refuse to discipline employees for their harassment of you. provide that letter to everyone of any standing in that workplace. from the corporate CEO down to the line supervisor, make sure they know what the hell's going on. as for the coordinator, As I've said, I'd get an attorney and consider legal action for that, if he has been doing that constantly you may also be able to contact the police about that. ONE FINAL THING this may well shake up the entire pot at the work place, as soon as official complaints, legal suits, and police reports are filed this workplace will become 500% more hostile overnight. it's up to you to determine if it's worth it, if you can get another job leaving with your head up may be the easiest option to consider, because you WILL be blacklisted by the employer if you go ahead with what I recommend. so if you're not willing to go that far you can quit or put up with it. it's entirely your call Good luck, and one more thing, I'm a male, and I found that treatment of women to be disgusting. don't worry, they will be punished for it eventually! .

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cooperates well with others, punctual, nice smile, cheery attitude, fresh breath, interacts well with others, supportive of thers.

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