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Survey: What was/were the best gift(s) you have ever gotten for your Christmas?
Seeing that Christmas is right around the corner and everybody is extremely busy shopping for Christmas gifts, I can clearly see why people are so excited about Christmas. 1 you are so curious as to what is under the tree for you. 2 you want to see the expression on the person's face that you bought a gift for when he/she opens that box. 3 and the love the gifts speak out for those who contribute to the Christmas tree.
I have always received gifts for Christmas. And the best gift I have ever got was a bicycle at the age of 10 years old. And although I have received more expensive gifts than a bicycle, the bicycle remains the BEST gift I have ever had in my whole life for one reason: I always wanted a bike, and Mom made such dream come through for me :-)
Mind you, we were extremely poor back then, and could barely afford ourselves new shoes when our old ones were dying.
I have a question for you: What was the BEST gift you have ever had for Christmas, and what made such gift so special to you?
Please star this question so that you bring this question to your network attention so they themselves can get a chance to share with you the best gift(s) they have ever received for Christmas.
Many thanks.
10 Answers
- lเllร๏๓ค ~_~.Lv 71 decade ago
Hi Dad,
WOW.! This is Gonna Sound, Pathetic... But, I Honestly
Can Not Recall Any Gift in Particular.!
For Good Reason Though...
We Were Quite Poor Growing Up, SO.. To Make Up For
It.. My "Dad", Would Cash-in On, All Vacation Pay, Savings
Bonds, & His Money Jar (all coins) -AND- Simply Smoother
Me & My 2 Younger Sisters, w/ Every Toy We Wanted & Didn't.!
So... Our lil'brains Would Go Into Sensory Over-Load..!!
(But this is when I was "Little", little...!
I Do Recall Being 13 years old... AND, My Daddy Gifted Me
w/ A 13in. "Color" T.V. Set, For My Bedroom..!!
Back Then... THAT, Was A Very Big Deal, For 2 Reasons.
1. A T.V. In A Child's Bedroom..!? "Unheard Of".!!
2. 2 T.V.'s In 1 Home ..!? Well, Not On My Street..
If, I May Add, My Most Favorite "Gift Giving"...
Was A Note, I Gave To My Dad, in '98, {His, Very
Last Christmas}, Thanking Him, For Being A
Wonderful, Dad.!
Take Care.! & Many Thanks To You.!
Lillsoma __________ ~_~.
* Star For You.!*
Source(s): . >OMAMEMORY< - Anonymous5 years ago
I got my best ever present when i was in prison, I was really screwed up at the time, going through a rough patch, I had a close friend in there, although i got her a present, (From the prison shop) I didnt expect one back as she had no money, But christmas morning she came into my cell and give me a present wrapped up in toilet paper (Clean) and when i opened it, she had painted me a picture, she had spent ages on it and used coffee powder and water, it was really good it had a sepia effect. It must have took a lot of effort because she had nothing in her cell, so i dont know where she got the hard board (the stuff she'd painted it on) from as she was on punishment at the time. and for her to find an alternative to paint, was amazing. It really meant so much to me in there. Christmas out here is just too comercialised. In there things actually mean something when you recieve a present.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
What a wonderful question today! I also had to mentally walk down memory lane from the past 45 years and the one that sticks out the most is...........moving back home after 25 years and having Christmas Dinner with my family! I hadn't had a Christmas off ever and forgot was a joy it was to sit, relax, each such delicious food that was lovingly prepared and enjoying each other's company! Although it was a VERY long day, it was the best Christmas ever! I loved your story, thanks for sharing!
Source(s): Just me, Renee - 1 decade ago
In 1996, my father (under the alias of Santa Claus) gave me a red Hondo acoustic guitar, which was my first guitar that I learned on! I wouldn't know guitar today if I hadn't received it. It had horrible action, a broken nut and the bridge was too high. I learned how to "Repair" a guitar before I learned how to play it which has also helped me out quite a bit!
I wish I still had that red Hondo guitar. I was stupid for giving it away.
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- Christopher715Lv 71 decade ago
My parents were the EXTREME pragmatists: (Dad = High Ranking Naval Officer-Lifer/ Mom-doctor of child psychology)
My sister and I got NOTHING that was "Christmasy" (is that even a word??? If not, then "Holidayish")
We got clothing and books. Period. There was NO Christmas "wish list", we knew that was a total waste of time, paper and ink.
We were also told that "Humans are not the reason that Christmas is celebrated, it's celebrated to honor the birth of OUR CHRISTIAN Savior, Jesus Christ: It's HIS birthday........"
Christopher K.
- Legend Lady*Lv 71 decade ago
I actually had 2 Best gifts. A Bible from my mom & Dad in 1969 & My Susie Smart Doll the same year*
- crystalLv 61 decade ago
A violin when I was 10...I had begged for one for almost 2 years. My parents bought it at a garage sale for $25. It was my most valued possession in life until someone stole it 11 years later.
- wyomugsLv 71 decade ago
While I've had some wonderful gifts, I think the TWO that stand out in my mind are:
1. A roll of DUCT TAPE! That's right! I LOVED it! It was great and fun, and can be used for ... well... practically ANYTHING!
2. A SWISS ARMY KNIFE my sister gave me. She even APOLOGIZED about it, but I said, "NOOOOOOOOO!!! I LOVE IT!" and I STILL do!
Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
- Mr. PantsLv 41 decade ago
A Log. A log you can whittle, chop into firewood, hoist up with pullies and wheels and fasten spikes to and use trip wires to make fall onto enemy guys coming over to your house or position. A log can be rolled down hills to your friends, can be used as a snipers blind to shoot from, can be used as the first of many to build a home and lets face it, Mayans have been making canoes from logs for years. Also, you can make out and kiss behind a log, use as a weight or counter weight or stand on end to make a tree. A log floats (ask the Mayans) and can be used with others to make a raft (ask Tom Sawyer) and you can sit on a log. Fasten poles to the sides and you can use as a battering ram to lay seize to Tammy's Castle.
Yeah, thats my favorite present year after year.....A good 'ol Log.
- 1 decade ago
my best christmas present was being appreciated and involved with the rest of my family :D
but it was a one off and didnt last...