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Benji F asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Did you know before you go to a restaurant for a party you should:?

You should read the fine print...

There was a party of 6 people, they ordered drinks, french fries, and potatoe wedges, and chicken wings, it took over an hour to get the food, the waitress never came brought the sliverware, or napkins, nor did she return to refill drinks...

The party paid the bill, refused to leave a tip, the management called the police, and the party went to jail. No will be appearinng for a court date.

America is not as free as we like to think


My question: Did you know you should read the "fine print" before you eat any restaurant?"

Tips in many restaurants are not up to you, but are mandatory. Some restaurants even include a % in your bill, so READ your bill so, you won't double tip.

We are not in a free society anymore.

Update 2:

My question: Did you know you should read the "fine print" before you eat at any restaurant?"

Tips in many restaurants are not up to you, but are mandatory. Some restaurants even include a % in your bill, so READ your bill so, you won't double tip.

We are not in a free society anymore.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    NOT in California.

    I didn't believe you but searched it myself. In PA., and the police do not believe it will hold up in court. But it did happen.

  • 1 decade ago

    Was the gratuity already added to the bill? Some restaurants automatically add the tip to a large party. If that is the case then they did not go to jail for not tipping, they went for not paying their full bill.

  • g
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Did you have a question?

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