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Lv 615,338 points

Benji F

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Due to the immaturity of many Yahoo!"s subscribers I have chosen to stop public emailing. ~ Sorry Best Wishes, to all and a happy day

  • Why can Cain V. from the UFC ?

    Why can Cain get away with the "BROWN PRIDE" tattoo and Monsoon or whatever could not get away with his racist tattoos?

    Is that just a double standard or what?

    2 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • What the hell happened with the Detroit Lions?

    I have always thought, once the ball crosses the plain of the goal-line, and have two feet planted it is a touch down. Not waiting until the player lands or is tackled? That is only for the field of play.

    See how manipulating that rule is/was.

    He crosses the plain, he catches the ball, and control's the ball, he plants two feet down.


    Not tackling, and the ball blah blah blah

    Just like the RB's who dive across or who put their hand and the ball across the plain. Touchdown

    I think it was a bogus call

    What do you think?

    12 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • What is worse for the society?

    What is worse for the society;

    Federal Government upset against at AZ for enforcing Federal Laws, or Federal Gov, ignoring CA push to legalize marijuana?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is worse: Tens of thousands illegal aliens crossing our borders or a mosque buil on Ground Zero?

    Tens of thousand illegal aliens (undocumented immigrants) crossing the border every day

    or a mosque getting built in New York at Ground Zero?

    I think they both are just as bad.

    7 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Is Jake Shields getting robbed by joining the UFC?

    A recognized Champion, and is not receiving a Title shot for his first match, I think is just plain a rip - off.

    Dan Henderson (Pride Champion Lt.Heavyweight) 1st fight vs UFC Light Heavyweight Champ Rampage

    Dan Henderson 2nd fight (Middleweight Championship vs. UFC Middleweight Champ Anderson Silva

    Victor Belforte 1st fight since returning received the nod for the title shot against Anderson Silva

    I think it is not right for Jake Shields to fight anyone other then a Champion in a title defense

    for his first fight.

    *(Just totally degrades what his accomplishments have been this far. And if Shields loses, all has been wasted)

    Champion having to work his way up??? What a joke!

    6 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Did you know Kobe VS Michael Jordan...?

    That there is not a comparison? Because Kobe was charged with Rape. MJ was not. Kobe paid the accuser. MJ never was accused. Kobe is a 42% shooter. MJ was a 57% shooter. MJ and the Bulls won because of shooting and excellent defense. Kobe and the Lakers won because of 47 Free Throw attempts.

    Comparison? NO WAY . Did you know?

    Michael Jordan the best ever? Could be.

    Kobe the best in this era? LOL,

    9 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Do you think take-downs should be given high credit in MMA events?

    MMA is not wrestling.

    MMA is not boxing.

    Gegragard Moussaussi beat Mo in every scoring category, except take-downs

    I think take-downs are given way too much credit.

    7 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Are single parents able to survive on 30,000 year in San Diego? How?

    I am trying to relocate to SD, but my annual income will be about $30,000 and I am a single parent of a toddler

    Can I do it on $30,000?

    Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersSan Diego1 decade ago
  • What if he dies in the ring?

    Now after Frank Mir has continued trashing on the Champ Brock Lesnar if Lesnar actually dies

    will Mir be facing prison for premeditated murder?

    3 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Does it surprise you that Orlando Jordan is gay?

    wrestlinginc has it posted in an article.

    How many other wrestlers do you think are?

    10 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the NEW Detroit Lions ? SuperBowl Contenders?

    QB Donvann McNabb

    RB Reggie Bush

    WR Donte Stallworth

    DE Juilus Peppers

    15 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • How could Maia receive a Middleweight Title shot?

    I think this is "bogus". Maia gets KO'd, instead of Nate getting a title shot they give Chael S (unranked, or at least outside the top 10.)

    Belcher I think deserved it, certainly more then Maia.

    Your thoughts?

    7 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Did that suck or what? Nate M. gets bumped from a title shot by who?

    Nate M. was the legit (next to Hendo) for a title shot. But, White gave it to a Light Heavyweight Belfort. Kicked Hendo out of the UFC. And set Nate up for another unimportant fight. Saying again:

    This is the # contender fight.

    And he lost to Sonnen. Does that suck or what?

    I think Nate's head was not even in the fight. I hope he jumps ship to another promotion.

    3 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Did you hear Nick Diaz call out Greaser St. Pierre?

    LOL I loved it.

    KJ Noons is back and has signed with Strikeforce. 2010 Strikeforce is going to rock.

    Hendo, Jake Shields, KJ Noons, Nick Diaz, Fedor, Alistar Overeem, Shinyo Aniko,

    Gilbert Meldenez...

    UFC has all these 40 year old guys or cheaters who are in denial, and no one gives props to eachother. UFC sucks

    10 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • How do you like the "NEW" Hogan/Bischoeff TNA?

    Is it better? Or worse?

    What do you think?

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Did you know I think the UFC sucks? What are your comments?

    Ferritla used to be on the Commision of the Neveda State Athletic Committee, history shows that honesty becomes less of a factor compared to money.

    Frank Mir one victory since getting spanked by Lesnar is awarded a title fight for the Interim Heavyweight Title against Carwin.- Dan Henderson had two unification title shots in two different weight classes, in 3 months, lost both, then went on a 3 fight tear including the devasting KO over Bisping. NO TITLE SHOT

    QUINTON JACKSON, lost to Griffin, promised the next title shot against Lyoto only to be shelved to the TUF reality tv show.

    Greaser St. Pierre filmed on live tv having vaseline applied, NO DQ, NO CONSQUENCES, and BJ Penn was not allowed an immediate rematch

    Lyoto beating Rua who did not even deserve the title shot, and judges scoring 3 to 2 to Lyoto, and Dana White issues an immediate rematch.

    Anderson Silva- Nate M. should be receiving a title shot, instead is facing a bottom feeder while Vitor Belfort who hasn't fought in the UFC in years, and has been fighting as of late in the Light Heavyweight division is...

    And Big John McMarcarthy is not getting his Nevada St. license because of the UFC relationships.

    These are just some of my reasons for the UFC sucking.

    What are you comments?

    8 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Where is the hate on Frank Mir? Don't you think Frank Mir is disrespectful?

    And disgraces mma for all his trash talking and ill will on others?

    In in a sacracstic sounding tone Frank Mir says, "I hope Lesnar gets better I don't wish any ill feelings on a father, but get well so, I can hurt you"

    What a classless piece of work. Agree? or Disagree?

    11 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Did you know before you go to a restaurant for a party you should:?

    You should read the fine print...

    There was a party of 6 people, they ordered drinks, french fries, and potatoe wedges, and chicken wings, it took over an hour to get the food, the waitress never came brought the sliverware, or napkins, nor did she return to refill drinks...

    The party paid the bill, refused to leave a tip, the management called the police, and the party went to jail. No will be appearinng for a court date.

    America is not as free as we like to think

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago