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do you know anyone that has had their student loans discharged, canceled, or renegiotated?

How did they do it?


Please answer my question. Don't add opinions like (student loans are not blah blah...) Because with a good lawyer anything is possible. Read my question and answer if you can. Thank you,

with all due respect

3 Answers

  • J.K.
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    SPALMER above is 100% correct.

    Source(s): FA Administrator for a zillion years and old as dirt. But, hey kiddies, I do know my stuff.
  • 1 decade ago

    You cannot discharge a student loan in bankruptcy. Student loans can be discharged if you become severely and permanently disabled (for life), but when they discharge it they will tell you that if circumstances change you may be responsible for the debt again. In addition, when you die your loans are canceled. Other than that... they're yours. You cannot renegotiate a loan, why would a lender even want to knowing that it's your debt for life? You can consolidate loans, but you have to decide if that's the best choice for you because it does cost money to consolidate.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have to file for bankruptcy (& even they may still ask you to pay a little at a time), get in an accident which caused you to lose all capacity for using your education (basically, become a vegetable), or move to another country and change your name. I have not had them canceled or whatnot, but it's very difficult to get out of a student loan. Try talking to a debt consolidator.

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