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Benji F asked in SportsMartial Arts · 1 decade ago

How could Maia receive a Middleweight Title shot?

I think this is "bogus". Maia gets KO'd, instead of Nate getting a title shot they give Chael S (unranked, or at least outside the top 10.)

Belcher I think deserved it, certainly more then Maia.

Your thoughts?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Demian Maia is ranked 5th via Sherdog. Nate should have a rematch but he's not going to have it. it's one of those moments in life that's simply unfair.

    Chael is not allowed to fight Silva for some reason I'm not understanding. So, by default, and I'm basing this on Sherdog, Hendo is the #2 MW, Chael is #3, Nate is 4 and Demian is 5.

    I'm rooting for Maia because he is one of my favorite fighters right now, but for real-- I think Silva is taking this. I like Silva, but I like Maia more.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maia was about to get the title shot before getting beat by marquardt. Frankly Marquardt losing screwed up the entire division, Maia makes sense considering Sonnen can't fight because of the bad cut from his last fight, Belfort is out for awhile, Marquardt just got smoked by Sonnen. That leaves Maia. Belcher isn't that big of a name they needed somebody that is somewhat well known, and it also helps that Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a very very very well known and big thing in Abu Dhabi, and Demian Maia is a big name in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maia is #4 and Sonnen #5 in the Bloodyelbow/USA Today rankings. It's a matter of timing. Sonnen deserved the shot having won 3 fights in a row. Maia is the logical choice to me. Yes it lost to Nate but he beat Sonnen. He still highly ranked and the top grappler in the UFC.

  • 1 decade ago


    He has not fought any one of merit yet. Maybe in a few more fights

    Sonnen is on a medical suspension from the cut he received in the fight with Marquart. He could take the fight, but with three weeks of training he'd get himself Killed!

    Think of it this way. Marquart beat Maia, Maian beat Sonnen, Sonnen beat Marquart, Marquart and Sonnen are out of the picture, Maia is the best choice.

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  • 1 decade ago

    it will all come out in the wash... maia lost to nate, nate lost to chael, maia beat chael... that's just a simple case of the fact that match ups make fights! maia is just as deserving as any other fighter at middleweight. if, by chance, he does win, he'll fight whoever joe silva deems a contender. i personally think that it's an intriguing match, the UFC's best striker vs. the UFC's best submission specialist. but, i hope he doesn't feel like he has to prove that his striking is getting better against Silva! that would make for a very short night. but, even if he has to pull guard to get it to the ground...he is on a whole 'nother level of dangerous, when it comes to BJJ! he is a black belt that makes many other black belts look like white belts!

  • 1 decade ago

    Stupid marquart would of had it if he didnt get dominated by Maia should get it Belcher would loose...i would of choose Yakiyahma or W/e his name is.

  • 1 decade ago

    maia has the best chance of beating him if he can get silva to the ground belfort deserve the shot either marquart defanently doesnt sonen should have got it

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