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Benji F asked in SportsMartial Arts · 1 decade ago

Did that suck or what? Nate M. gets bumped from a title shot by who?

Nate M. was the legit (next to Hendo) for a title shot. But, White gave it to a Light Heavyweight Belfort. Kicked Hendo out of the UFC. And set Nate up for another unimportant fight. Saying again:

This is the # contender fight.

And he lost to Sonnen. Does that suck or what?

I think Nate's head was not even in the fight. I hope he jumps ship to another promotion.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nate is a very good fighter. He is a top fighter. He should have gotten a rematch with Silva long ago. Both Vitor and Silva have said that Nate should be fighting Silva.

    Sonnen is no joke and I think if Nate ever gets to rematch Chael he will beat him. Sonnen has been around for a long time and has always been an amazing fighter. I'm a big fan of a few of the WEC guys who came over to the UFC including Condit, Larson (I miss this guy), and I would love to see Filho in it as well. Sonnen is a smart fighter and he beat Nate. Nate had a bad night and Sonnen got the best of Nate. Nate lost to Sonnen, not some talentless martial artist/wrestler.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well if he really wanted a title shot, he should have beat Sonnen. No one can complain about that.

  • Taz
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    sonnen is no joke people just either forgot about him or new fans just dont know him.

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