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Benji F asked in SportsFootball (American) · 1 decade ago

What do you think of the NEW Detroit Lions ? SuperBowl Contenders?

QB Donvann McNabb

RB Reggie Bush

WR Donte Stallworth

DE Juilus Peppers

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Is this your version of the Lions on Madden 10?

    Anyhow I think the Lions should be sold to somebody in Los Angeles or Las Vegas. The Ford family really needs to concentrate on running their car company. If Jerry Jones were to own the Lions, not that he could, but if he did, they would be respected contenders...because Jerry knows how to manage a football team and that's all he does.

    Sure, there are owners out there that do other things, like Green Bay, they run a city, and the Steelers, their ownership makes Ketchup, but anyhow w/ the failing US automotive industry I think the Ford family has enough to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    QB-They already have Stafford

    RB-They have Kevin Smith. Reggie Bush is still under contract

    WR-They have Calvin Johnson. Donte Stallworth just signed for the Ravens

    DE-They dont really have anyway but I doubt Peppers will sign

    Super Bowl contenders in 2010-No

    Playoffs in 2011-Maybe

    Just look at the 2008 Miami Dolphins(1-15 to 10-6)

    You never know in football

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Don't think that would make them any better. Reggie Bush works well with only New Orleans, other teams don't know how to utilize him. Donavan is getting older and learning a new system at his age...not happening. Donte is washed up now, they don't even need to try. Peppers would get double teamed like he is with Carolina. He wants to leave to go to a team with another DE that compliments him so he can get out of more double teams. Hard to double team two great DE' he wants to win, not lose. All these guys want to win for that matter.

  • 1 decade ago

    No disrespect to the Saints and fans on New Orleans. bUt, if the saints could make it and win it, the Detroit Lions also have a fair chance. I am 50 and all I recall was what an awful team the Saints were as a kid, young adult and into my 30s.

    So, Detroit just has to get in the groove and they can win it one year.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Donovan McNab is a damn choker.

    Reggie Bush aint sh*t.

    Donte Stallworth is a sore loser.

    Julius Peppers is the bom.

    Yea! Which means u cannot win a Super Bowl with only a good defense. Pretty Much out of ur 4 guys, I only c Peppers that is good.

  • 1 decade ago

    Problem is not the skill players. The problem is The Offensive line and the Defense. They have good young talent on the Offense they Need a better Defense and a Better o line. They are not even a play off team if they had these guys which they don't.

  • 1 decade ago

    -They just drafted Stafford and are paying him huge #1 overall pick money. McNabb will be an Eagle in 2010.


    -Stallworth signed with the Ravens. And you have Calvin Johnson in case you forgot.

    -Julius Peppers wants to play LB, not DE. Unless your switching to a 3-4 and are willing to pay top dollar, dream on.

    To answer your question, I quote Jim Mora.

    "Playoffs?!? Dont talk about playoffs!! I just hope we can win a game."

  • 1 decade ago

    QB- McNabb is over the hill

    RB- Reggie Bush is a huge bust trust me i know a bust

    WR- He is no Calvin Johnson

    DE- He wont sign with the lions

    So NO

  • 1 decade ago

    I hate to break it to ya, but Stallworth is a Raven.

    But hey, the Lions have a lot of talent already. And your head coach went to my high school. So, give it a couple of years and they'll be making some noise.

  • 1 decade ago

    None of those players would come to Detroit, unless you payed them a lot. Mayhew won't pay for actual talent, so forget it.

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