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Benji F asked in SportsBasketball · 1 decade ago

Did you know Kobe VS Michael Jordan...?

That there is not a comparison? Because Kobe was charged with Rape. MJ was not. Kobe paid the accuser. MJ never was accused. Kobe is a 42% shooter. MJ was a 57% shooter. MJ and the Bulls won because of shooting and excellent defense. Kobe and the Lakers won because of 47 Free Throw attempts.

Comparison? NO WAY . Did you know?

Michael Jordan the best ever? Could be.

Kobe the best in this era? LOL,

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    can someone plz tell me how the 90's were watered down?????

    and there is finally someone on yahoo answers with a good sense of basketball and not sucking kobes dick'

    so thank u

    alpha wolf doesnt know one thing about basketball

  • Dude, Mj is way better than Kobe and it's not even close, but you can't just blatantly make up pure bs.

    1. MJ certainly had his off court innocences (gambling problem led to his dads murder), but it is all irrelevant in basketball.

    2. Kobe shoots 45%, not 42%, get it right

    3. MJ shoots 50%, not 57%, get it right

    4. 47 FT attempts??? It was 37 man, GET IT RIGHT

    I agree MJ is clearly the greatest of all time, but stop making MJ fans look bad by making up random stats

  • Kobe did rape that girl........Paula Pierce.......


    Miles.....Kobe = 45FG%...MJ = 49%......Idiot.


    and to the asker.......marinate on this H8R...

    Jordan's '97 game vs. the Spurs remains the most shot attempts ever (39) taken without scoring 30 points. It's also the only time someone has taken more than 36 shots and failed to score 30 points.

    12-39! 30.8 FG%! 29 points!...ahhaaaa....ahahhhhaaa....ahhhh…

    I dare someone to find me a game where Kobe shot that poorly while attempting 35+ FGA. You won't be able to because his worst is 12-35 (but at least he got more points than shots!).

    Jordan actually has more games than Kobe where he shots below 40% while taking 35+ shots.

    Jordan 9-35 in a playoff game

    Missed 26 shots. Pretty close to Kobe's bad game, not to mention it was a playoff game.

    Begins 0-14

    0-11 at half

    0-8 from 3.


    Jordan's greatest hits:

    1998-02-25 CHI vs POR 9/26 .346 FG%

    1996-04-07 CHI@ORL 10/30 .333 FG%

    1996-02-15 CHI@DET 10/30 .333 FG%

    1996-12-17 CHIvsLAL 10/32 .313 FG% (Eddie Jones and Kobe Bryant guarded MJ)

    1997-11-03 CHI SAS 12/39 .308 FG%

    1995-12-06 CHIvsNYK 8/27 .296 FG%

    MJ =Overrated in the watered down 90's

    Got all Y'all H8z in my pocket!...............2EZ

  • 1 decade ago

    When it is all said and done, LBJ and Wade will be higher than Kobe on the all time great list because they will have more Finals MVPs. They will finally have good teammates who don't choke in the playoffs next year.

    LBJ and Wade can score better than Kobe. They can rebound and pass better, and they don't have to jack up a million shots just to get 20 points. They are also becoming better defenders.

    Oh, and MJ is the GOAT.

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  • 1 decade ago

    the girl lied to get money. what multi millionaire would wast there time raping a f_cking girl anyway. also last time i checked kobe didnt punch 2 of his team mates for not being as skillful as him either. and jordan didnt shoot know were near 57% he shot about 50% (which is really good). and thats just personal life. i can care less if kobe was a rapist, a killer, or even robbed a bank for that matter i just watch like him for his basketball skills. same for jordan

    Source(s): common sense
  • ricca
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Michael Jordan. Noone will ever be as sturdy as Jordan and also you gained't imagine it yet purely the persons taking section in antagonistic to him knew what it changed into like even as he ought to carry out slightly loopy dunk on you via the undeniable fact that changed into quite the first time human beings said the shape of "swag" he provided in basketball

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    MJ is waaaaay better but I agree wit Miles. Keep it honest dude....

  • as much i hate kobe he is a great player and u gotta give him dat

  • 1 decade ago


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