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Benji F asked in SportsFootball (American) · 1 decade ago

What the hell happened with the Detroit Lions?

I have always thought, once the ball crosses the plain of the goal-line, and have two feet planted it is a touch down. Not waiting until the player lands or is tackled? That is only for the field of play.

See how manipulating that rule is/was.

He crosses the plain, he catches the ball, and control's the ball, he plants two feet down.


Not tackling, and the ball blah blah blah

Just like the RB's who dive across or who put their hand and the ball across the plain. Touchdown

I think it was a bogus call

What do you think?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i thought it was bogus too, and i'm a bears fan. i think they took that new rule and went a little too much to the letter of it

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the call was right, and the rule is wrong.

    Did anyone else see when Deangalo Hall did his little flip into the end zone he immediately dropped the ball when he hit the ground, kinda messed up that that counted because it was a run in and not a reception.

    According to the rule CJJ had to have possession the whole way down and maintain that possession after hitting the ground. When the ball hit the ground, he let go and celebrated, if he would have celebrated with the ball in hand, game over, detroit wins.

    The rule needs to be changed, just like that golfer (sorry i forget his name) that got the 2 stroke penalty for grounding his club in that "bunker" that fans were walking in all weekend. Accurate call, horrible rule.

    I ;personally think that the Receiver needs to have possession up until a knee, elbow, or until the player goes out of bounds. If the ball hits the ground and pops out after that, then its still a complete pass.

    Yet again Iamgod your stupidity is astounding.

  • 1 decade ago

    Agree totally with Got my hair did...nice do by the way! The rule makes a player hold on to it, run to the bench, take it back out on the field next play! STUPID! If a back holds a ball over the line for a second, then a D player slaps it out...guess what, Its a TD as long as it breaks the white stripe! That det player had 4 points down with control! Change the damn rule NFL!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This happendthe last time the bears played the lions when the Bernard Berrian caught ball and ddidn'tgive him the touchdown it is what it is man u cant change even if you want to but eevery timethe bears play the lions its always a werid GAME man... but the bears proved that cutler can throw that ball 373 passing yard is enough said man and hester is going to let the burners go later in the season wait in see this was more of a defense game and the bears made a lot turnovers but they seem like they can win if they step it up BEAR DOWN BABY

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  • I think the Lions actually played a very good game, despite what people may say. It's a shame that Matt Stafford is now injured, but any way you look at it, the Lions just got unlucky with the Calvin Johnson play.

    Aside from that they are a rebuilding side, so you can't expect miracles. Still, some very promising signs on both side of the ball in my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    By the rules, the call was correct, but my question is if the same play occurred outside of the end-zone: if he had planted the ball as a part of the second move, would it still be ruled and incomplete pass? That is, when he placed the ball on the ground as if to hoist himself up to proceed further to gain additional yards, would it still be considered incomplete?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Apparently he didn't have control, but i think that is BS!! Anyone who watched the play or re-play could easily tell he had full control!! I think they ripped him off wit that, it was bogus. He made the catch, had full control, landed, and when he was on his way up he pushed off the ball and let go, thats a TD!! Whats he supposed to do.... Carry the ball to the sideline wit him?


  • 1 decade ago

    The Lions stink, thats why Detroit likes that boring boxer who ducks all the top 147 pounders named Floyd Mayweather Jr.

    Here Fishy Fishy seems like he has an IQ of 60.

  • Jay
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's a stupid rule, but it's in the books.


    Lions coach Jim Schwartz said the officials got it right.

    "The rule is if you're going to the ground in the process of making the catch you need to finish with the football," he said. "He didn't finish with the football."

  • 1 decade ago

    They got screwed by the rules

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