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Benji F asked in SportsMartial Arts · 1 decade ago

Did you hear Nick Diaz call out Greaser St. Pierre?

LOL I loved it.

KJ Noons is back and has signed with Strikeforce. 2010 Strikeforce is going to rock.

Hendo, Jake Shields, KJ Noons, Nick Diaz, Fedor, Alistar Overeem, Shinyo Aniko,

Gilbert Meldenez...

UFC has all these 40 year old guys or cheaters who are in denial, and no one gives props to eachother. UFC sucks


Mindless thoughtless brains are a potential of wasted talent. Read, Think and Comprehend is good.

My rant is my support for Strikeforce,

The UFC has a bunch of over the hill gang cast off members and the others have been caught on tape cheating. As well as the lack of a logical or fair positioning/pecking order in the UFC. Who ever White feels like gets a title shot. Which I think is wrong and unfair for both the fighters and the fans.

Update 2:

To, ko wanna be recgonized: Tennis is a bad-axe sport. Venus Williams serves the ball over 114 mph. (Feder hits it at 120 mph) You probably couldn't make it over the net. Nor wipe the sweat from my supporter.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah, I heard it too. I thought it was funny. Too bad the UFC won't let it happen until GSP's contract is up.

    KJ Noons and Diaz probably will have a rematch in 2011

    Aniko will fight Gilbert Meldenzez spelling

    I can't stand the UFC either.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    NY is known as "The Big Apple" because long ago a famous folk hero (Johnny Appleseed) planted a single seed in the middle of the city. Then, in a strange warp in space-time, a boy named Jack planted a seed he believed to be magical in the same spot. In what is still considered a marveling biological advancement, the two seeds fused together on a molecular level. After an impressive rain, the seed hybrid grew into an apple 300ft tall and approximatively 330ft wide. The strangest thing being the absence of a tree. It seems the apple was completely normal, except it grew straight from the ground with its own roots like a beanstalk of some sort. For decades to come, people would visit the city and look up at the impossible fruit and think "that is a big apple". After a while people began referring to the city itself as "The Big Apple". But then, 1943 Oct 11th, something strange happened. As the city laid to rest, the night once again upon them, there was a blinding flash of red light. The flash lasted for nearly 4-5 seconds. No one is certain what caused the flash, but once it was over the apple had simply disappeared. Not only had it vanished, the ground it had grown from had closed as if it were never there. Some say the apple had grown so large it created some sort of fruity supernova and collapsed in on itself in a black hole. Some say the aliens responsible for the death of the dinosaurs came back and destroyed the apple as well. We may never know exactly what happened that night, but one thing is for sure. That was a big-*** apple.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    GSP would end Nick Diaz's career. Diaz lost how many fights in the UFC? HE is a top fighter in strikeforce but nowhere near the top in the UFC. That says it all. Strikeforce has 2 good fighter, Fedor and Henderson.

  • 1 decade ago

    GSP would destroy him. It would look like GSP was fighting a crowd member! U bash the UFC but the majority of the strikeforce roster would like to be there.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I love watching Nick Diaz Fight, but St. Piere is superior.

  • 1 decade ago

    People call out popular fighters all the time when they know it not possible for the fight to happen. It just for the publicity. It gets there name out and gets people talking. Personally this is one I'd like to see.

  • 1 decade ago

    Benji if you dont like the UFC then go watch tennis, maybe that fits your testosterone level more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    gsp would own him diaz coulnd't even get to him when he was in the ufc cause he kept losing

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jason, you said that GSP would end Nick's career...I think he would end his life haha =).

    Source(s): Myself
  • 1 decade ago

    I read about it.

    The other rant you posted is unrelated to the question.

    Source(s): my brain ;)
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