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Benji F asked in SportsMartial Arts · 1 decade ago

Do you think take-downs should be given high credit in MMA events?

MMA is not wrestling.

MMA is not boxing.

Gegragard Moussaussi beat Mo in every scoring category, except take-downs

I think take-downs are given way too much credit.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it depends on a case by case basis. Some guys do slam hard, and a fighter with good wrestling skills can show a lot of control over his opponent in the judge's eyes. It's an annoying factor in judging which is why fighters shouldn't let it go to the judges. The real question should be why didn't Mousasi sprawl and back away. But you're right, they typically do give too much credit to wrestling.

    I hope they change a lot of these outdated rules also. I wanna see kicks to downed opponents and upkicks to opponents on their knees. These are aspects of real fighting, and someone definitely needs to talk to the commissions about getting new rules implemented.

  • 1 decade ago

    The judging criteria for MMA are effective striking, effective grappling, aggression, and cage/ring control. Takedowns influence three of those. Mo was more aggressive and his takedowns determined where the fight took place (cage control). He was throwing the more damaging shots on the feet. While I don't believe he did a lot of damage on the ground, neither was Mousasi doing much to improve his lot. I scored it the way the judges did. If Mousasi had be popping back up, chaining submission attempts, or at least pretending to fight off the takedowns, he might be more deserving of the win. Yes, he did more superficial damage, but it wasn't debilitating damage and he never really came close to finishing the fight. In that case, the control Mo displayed for four rounds gave him a much-deserved win.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think if the take down is followed by a ground n pound or a submission it should. but take downs and dominate control by themselves shouldn't be given that much consideration, maybe if they were scored lower the fighters would have to push the pace in some of these stalemate matches.

  • 1 decade ago

    your right, MMA is not wrestling, its not boxing, its not any one martial art. It is a MIX, thus Mixed Martial Arts. It is a sport, of which takedowns are just as big a part as any other aspect. So I would disagree with your comment

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No I disagree, as long as they can retain a dominant position.

    Your right

    MMA is not wrestling, boxing, karate, judo, or fighting. It is a unique sport all on its own.

  • 1 decade ago

    for your info King Mo BEAT Gegard.

  • 1 decade ago

    ok if you want take away takedowns lets take away submissions. and then after that lets make puching to the head illegal to.



    Boxing, wrestling, karate, judo, jujitsu, kick boxing are all martial arts!!!

    Source(s): the truth
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