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Benji F asked in SportsMartial Arts · 1 decade ago

Did you know I think the UFC sucks? What are your comments?

Ferritla used to be on the Commision of the Neveda State Athletic Committee, history shows that honesty becomes less of a factor compared to money.

Frank Mir one victory since getting spanked by Lesnar is awarded a title fight for the Interim Heavyweight Title against Carwin.- Dan Henderson had two unification title shots in two different weight classes, in 3 months, lost both, then went on a 3 fight tear including the devasting KO over Bisping. NO TITLE SHOT

QUINTON JACKSON, lost to Griffin, promised the next title shot against Lyoto only to be shelved to the TUF reality tv show.

Greaser St. Pierre filmed on live tv having vaseline applied, NO DQ, NO CONSQUENCES, and BJ Penn was not allowed an immediate rematch

Lyoto beating Rua who did not even deserve the title shot, and judges scoring 3 to 2 to Lyoto, and Dana White issues an immediate rematch.

Anderson Silva- Nate M. should be receiving a title shot, instead is facing a bottom feeder while Vitor Belfort who hasn't fought in the UFC in years, and has been fighting as of late in the Light Heavyweight division is...

And Big John McMarcarthy is not getting his Nevada St. license because of the UFC relationships.

These are just some of my reasons for the UFC sucking.

What are you comments?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Benji, I have to say that I really enjoy your posts though I don't always agree with them. You're actually a deep thinker and know more about MMA than many might think.

    1- I don't know if Fertitta is honest or not

    2- I honestly think Mir is the 2nd or 3rd best fighter or possibly Dos Santos but it's really a judgment call so I can't fault Dana on that one. It's not a OBVIOUS unfair situation.

    3- Hendo I do think deserves a shot.

    4- I also agree that Jackson should fight Machida

    5- I do NOT think BJ should fight Greaser SP because Penn is just too small. Greaser should be suspended, then BJ should be allowed to move up and kick butt.

    6- I think Machida and Rua should fight again immediately.

    7- I agree that Nate should fight silva next.

    8- Big John? Damn, I'm literally pissed that Dana black balled him. He the friggin best ref ever by far. Now I can't say that dana did that for sure, but I do suspect that something is fishy.



  • JSatt
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    1.) Provide me some kind of evidence that the Fertitas are doing anything dishonest.

    2.) If Lesnar weren't on the shelf due to serious illness, Mir wouldn't be in the title picture at all right now. Lesnar was to fight Carwin for the title. The winner of that fight was to face the winner of the Nog - Velazquez fight. Mir steps in because Lesnar is hurt to make a little 4 man tourney for the interim belt. The winner of this little tournament faces Lesnar when he comes back

    3.) Hendo never got another title shot because Silva refused to sign the fight with Hendo.

    4.) Jackson backed out of the title fight with Machida to coach on TUF. It was his decision, not the UFCs.

    5.) A member of the athletic commission wiped GSP down before the next round started.

    6.) What's the issue here? Machida lost the fight in the eyes of many and you're bitching that there is going to be a rematch?

    7.) Belfort was the best MW not in the UFC. The UFC needed to put Belfort on the table or Silva wouldn't have wanted to fight at MW again.

    8.) Yeah, that does appear to be a little bit fishy.

    What I think is that you're are drinking the conspiracy theory cool aid. Most of what you present is misinformation or incorrect information. Do yourself a favor and check for facts next time.

    Edit: the whole greasing controversy in nonsense. GSP wasn't greased up before the fight. The incident happened between rounds when one of GSP's coaches toached his back after applying the vaseline to GSP's face. A member of the athletic commission wiped it off before the round started. BJ didn't lose a round because GSP was greased up.

    Edit: What other MWs out there that aren't in the UFC are anywhere near Silva's class?

  • I agree with JSatt with a few exceptions.

    The GSP greasing controversy. Losing one round to greasing is unacceptable. BJ is a JIU-JITSU fighter. St. Pierre's took BJ down. The grease prevented BJ from doing anything from the guard. The guard is a BJJ man's offensive ace-in-the-hole. When you're on your back with a good wrestler and you have a good guard, you can put him away. BJ's legs were visibly slipping. He absorbed damage because he was unable to control GSP. This COULD HAVE cost him the fight, even if it was only one round. It COULD HAVE. I'm not saying it did, I'm not saying if there were no greasing it would have gone any differently, I AM saying that whether GSP was directly involved or not, greasing is cheating and should not be tolerated, even for one round.

    Vitor Belfort. He's having trouble making MW number one. Number two, he is ANYTHING but the best MW not in the UFC. There are a bunch of other guys the UFC could have brought in to face Anderson Silva. It's way too soon for Vitor to get a title shot. Hendo and Nate should have fought, winner should have faced Silva. If Silva doesn't like the match up, that's his problem.

    The Big John thing is just total B.S. Kind of like how the UFC bans sponsors. (Affliction when they were promoting, Clinch Gear now that Hendo is gone.)

    The UFC has a business strategy and they will do anything to accomplish their goals. That being said, I don't find them inherently corrupt, and I don't think they 'suck.'

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    mma ufc sucks why? its a contest to them they consistently think of there greater helpful warring parties then steven seagal jackie chan jet li etc the action picture martial artists are additionally actual martial artists martial artists prepare there entire to get the place they're and get the skills they have ufc do no longer paintings no longer difficulty-free they only paintings in the direction of prevailing the competition that's no longer a opinion its be attentive to the certainty of a martial artist they study there strikes the comparable way ufc does from a coach different than martial artist study from a lot greater experienced man or woman as in a grasp they dont could desire to professionals as a manner to attain a combat they look forward to u to attack first then they watch and are waiting on your each and every flow

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, the UFC sucks in many ways, yet unfortunately the best option currently.

    I hope strikeforce gets stronger and can compete head to head with the UFC.

    It is redicilous that fighters are paid a couple of thousands of dollars in the UFC unless they are in the top 10. This is just taking advantage of employees who love this sport.

    Monopoly what the UFC would like is just not good in any industry.

    Sports is no different.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dude im against you on everyone execpt... Marquadt should get a rematch with Silva... and its also pissing me off Lutter got cut from the UFC... He should be the champion if anything... Full mount on Anderson Silva... Looking to finish!

  • Mark
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    UFC rules - it put MMA on the map - there's always haters when someone/something is successful

  • Ricky
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No i dont think the UFC sucks. I love the UFC.

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