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Benji F asked in SportsMartial Arts · 1 decade ago

Is Jake Shields getting robbed by joining the UFC?

A recognized Champion, and is not receiving a Title shot for his first match, I think is just plain a rip - off.

Dan Henderson (Pride Champion Lt.Heavyweight) 1st fight vs UFC Light Heavyweight Champ Rampage

Dan Henderson 2nd fight (Middleweight Championship vs. UFC Middleweight Champ Anderson Silva

Victor Belforte 1st fight since returning received the nod for the title shot against Anderson Silva

I think it is not right for Jake Shields to fight anyone other then a Champion in a title defense

for his first fight.

*(Just totally degrades what his accomplishments have been this far. And if Shields loses, all has been wasted)

Champion having to work his way up??? What a joke!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i agree big time ufc sucks....but hay if her is really that good he can get past kampman ..

  • *(Just totally degrades what his accomplishments have been this far. And if Shields loses, all has been wasted)<<<<--------There is your answer, if loses it just means he's not U.F.C material, and let me ask you this. If are working for a company for a while trying to work your way up, would you like an outsider to just come in and take away a position that you've been working hard to get to? I wouldn't like it, Jake is an O'k fighter, but I don't think he deserves to fight for the belt from the get go, and why are you comparing Pride fighters, with Strikeforce fighters? To me pride had the best fighters in the world back in the day, proof of that is that 2 of the current champions are ex-Pride fighters. So to me it sounds good, let see how Jake stacks up to the UFC competition, I personally think he's going to lose and get cut after 2 fights in the UFC, but hey.! I may be wrong, besides his fights are very boring, can you imagine a fight against St Pierre? That would probably be the most boring fight in UFC history, and I'm not jocking dude.! Speaking of St Pierre, his *** needs to put on 15 pounds and fight Anderson Silva. And just for the record I love MMA, I watch Dream, Strikeforce, UFC, K-1, so I have no favorite brand of fighting.

  • Lisa
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Jake Shields is definitely signing with the UFC. Dana White has had his eye on Shields 4 a while, so he has definitely snatched him up. I'm excited 2 c how he does in the UFC. I really like & totally respect Shields. & in an interview with Dana, he said that it was just a rumor bout Jake coaching TUF 12 because they start filming in about a month & Jake just signed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Vitor fought and knockout Franklin out in the first round then got his title shot, Henderson got a direct line to Rampage and Silva because Pride was bought by Zuffa so they wanted to get a main champion after buying the rights to Pride so that was a political thing, Shields comes from another organization not owned by Zuffa so he will probably have to fight Kampmann and if he is as impressive as Vitor was Dana White will give him the shot against GSP.

    Shogun fought Griffin and had Shogun won he would have fought Rampage but since he lost Shogun had to then fight Coleman and then Liddell. If Shields loses to Kampmann he may have to fight his way up the ladder like Shogun did.

    I don't mind Shields fighting Kampmann because I think Kampmann gets written off because of that quick stoppage by Daley when Kampmann was still up and defending, and that was a quick stoppage because Lesnar was in fetal position while getting manhandled by Carwin, but of course I'm not in the ring so I don't know the whole story. The point is, Shields will work his way up and if he looks as impressive as Vitor did, then Shields gets a shot at the title if not he works his way up that ladder. That sounds logical to me.

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  • 1 decade ago

    in the eyes of the UFC, a strikeforce champ doesnt mean jack sh*t.

    hell need a win, then hell most likely get the Champ, or the #1 contender.

    Either way, he wouldnt get past Fitch, Alves, or KOS.

  • 1 decade ago


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