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Whats happening to my pregnant body?

I am currently nine weeks pregnant and during the first few weeks I did feel the usual nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, headaches (the whole deal). Just recently I stopped feeling anything. I no longer have nausea or urges to vomit, i dont crave anything, my belly hasnt grown one bit, and I honestly feel like im not even pregnant. Is this normal? I havent bled or anything so I dont think i lost the baby but I just dont feel like theres anything in there. This is my first pregnancy and once again im barely 9 weeks, but I would think I would at least be gaining some weight or something else. Is it normal for me not to feel anything anymore? If so, how long does thing feeling last cuz im starting to get scared but most of all im worried. Hellp, please!!!!

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your baby is literally the size of a nut right now... what makes you think you should be showing right now?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well your belly won't grow for at least another 7 weeks...Could be longer depending on where the placenta is sitting inside of you.

    And just enjoy not having any symptoms. I'm 17 weeks with a perfectly healthy little fetus inside of me and I haven't had a single symptom. Not a single day of nausea or vommitting. I had 3 positive pregnancy tests and still didn't believe I was really pregnant until I got an ultrasound done to check for th heartbeat (doctor couldn't find it, emergency u/s). Still I don't really "feel" pregnant.

    Cravings don't start until late 2nd/early 3rd trimester usually so it's too early for that anyways.

    Honestly, you may never get another symptom again. Your belly will grow eventually, but you may have a completely uneventful pregnancy from now on. Or your symptoms may come on in full swing.

    Don't stress about it though. 1. Just enujoy not feeling sick all the time right no. and 2. stress can be harmful to the baby as well. So keep calm and enjoy.

  • True
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Your belly isn't going to grow at 9 weeks. Any sign of a bump is almost always bloat.

    I never had a single symptom during my pregnancy. You have to understand that everyone is different. Some women experience horrible symptoms for the entire pregnancy, some never get any, and most are in between.

    You also don't really gain weight during the first trimester. Stop stressing it. Your baby is fine and just enjoy the symptom-free experience for now before it comes back!

  • 1 decade ago

    yes it is competly normal i think almost every pregnant women goes thru this stage at some point. Dont worry next thing you know you will have a cute baby bump then you will feel the baby move it really does go by so fast. Just give it a lil time. You will prolly start feeling a lil more pregnant around 16 weeks or maybe b4 but rember everyone is different. Good luck and congrats

    Source(s): 37 weeks with #1 a girl
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  • 1 decade ago

    dont worry, it seems that this is just the calm before the storm. it seems that if you had miscarried, you would have known because what was in your uterus, would have had to come out.

    soon enough you will begin to experience all of the good as well as uncomfortable feelings of the later stages of pregnancy. when you are in the early stages of pregnancy, there isnt a whole lot you can feel--unless you are unlucky like me and were nauseated the entire 9 months. however if you are really feeling stressed about this, you should try to make an appointment with your doctor just so you can see the fetus on the ultrasound. whatever makes you feel better--the main thing is that you relax and try to enjoy the time you are pregnant.

  • 1 decade ago

    Welcome to early pregnancy! What you are saying is completely normal. It is normal for morning sickness to come and go. I didn't have any cravings til much later. Most women do not even start to show until 12 weeks. And quite a few women don't start to gain weight til the end of their 2nd trimester. You are fine. I know that it is a scary time, but you'll get through it! Good luck!

    Source(s): 32 weeks
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have absolutely nothing to worry about. You don't always have to have symptoms to be pregnant. You may start to feel tired but since it's your first your probably so excited, like I am. I didn't vomit, didn't crave anything, and had no other symptoms but being tired until my erythema nodosum showed on my legs in the second trimester.

    Don't worry a bit but if your really concerned ask the doctor. 9 weeks is nothing!

  • 1 decade ago

    Dont worry .. all normal good luck and maybe you should pick up a book called what to expect when your expecting.. Man this book helped me when i was Preggers. I was a first time mommy and that was the BIBLE lol

    good luck and again its normal..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Completely normal.

    Google "Don't feel pregnant anymore" and see how many millions of results you get.

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