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America, do you think we need to move forward with the health care bill if the following issues were resolved?

These are a bunch of issues I gathered that are the cause of high costs of health care and taxes.

-Exaggerated overheads of medical drugs, products, and services.

-No competition between hospitals keeping health care costs too high.

-The risk of depriving doctors of the high incomes some of them go through hell in medical school for.

-Not enough competition between insurance companies, keeping coverage costs dramatically high.

-High costing product and drug approvals of the FDA.

-Corrupt and careless medical practices.

-Medical errors in drug dosage.

-Disorganized processing claims between hospitals and insurance companies.

-Harmful medical errors.

-Exaggerated malpractice settlements.

-Uselessly over testing to prevent malpractice suits.

-Patient misuse of the ER.

-Unnecessary re-admissions to the hospital.

-Hospital acquired infections.

-Illegal immigrants and drug dealers on Medicaid.

-Risky behavior such as smoking, obesity, and alcohol abuse.

-Prescriptions written on paper.

-Over prescribing antibiotics.


And do you know if any of these are already completely taken care of? I’ve been hearing about some of these for years, I can't see any real reason's why it would take so long to resolve them. Please comment on any special concerns you have about them or anything I haven’t mentioned. And I’m sorry I’m late guys.

Tell me if you think we should still move forward with the health reform bill if we can take care of at least most of these issues. From what I’ve read it won’t be put in place till 2013 or 14 anyway. What about either of the bills do you Not support?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    -Exaggerated overheads of medical drugs, products, and services.

    ---By putting limits on how much something should cost and stop letting the Drug comp and Hosp spend more money on Ads then research.

    -No competition between hospitals keeping health care costs too high.

    --There is Competition it is just they all work together to keep the cost high.

    -The risk of depriving doctors of the high incomes some of them go through hell in medical school for.

    --First off I don't think anyone should make a killing trying to save lives, it is kind of a conflict of interest.

    -Not enough competition between insurance companies, keeping coverage costs dramatically high.

    ---Insurance is a scam you pay for the hope you don't need it, but when you do they should not be able to decline you from the service.

    -High costing product and drug approvals of the FDA.

    --The cost has not gone up that much, what has gone up is the amount they spend putting TV ads, and sending reps to Doctors to push them to sale there drugs, I have heard them at my doctors office the are like mobsters mushing drugs. My Doctors just said.."Yes i am pushing your drug over X company's drug."

    -Corrupt and careless medical practices.

    ---I don't see it so much from Dr. but more from Hospital and Insurance comp. Dr are just stuck.

    -Medical errors in drug dosage.--

    ---This is an issue that electronic records will help fix, but i know this is just human error, we will never stop it.

    -Disorganized processing claims between hospitals and insurance companies.

    --It is not that it is disorganized, the insurance companies make is complex so that you make an error they can decline to pay for it, it is all part of the game.

    -Harmful medical errors.

    --It is once more human error and not holding Dr's or employees accountable that lets it keep happening in large numbers at some places.

    -Exaggerated malpractice settlements.

    --There is nothing exaggerated about killing someone, or making there life hell and having to pay millions...back to the question before about them making a lot of money and going to school for so many years...

    -Uselessly over testing to prevent malpractice suits.

    Dr's don't do useless testing for malpractice they do it to make money duh!

    Most of the time it is insurance companies that call it useless when they are trying to find what is wrong with a patient, remember we are not all the same and what test works on one will not work on another always.

    -Patient misuse of the ER.

    This I agree, What we need is an middle ground, not Dr office but not an ER, like an urgent care clinic that is open 24 hours right next to a few ER. Don't you think it is odd that they don't do that..OH! they make more money off ER from insurance comp...:D

    -Unnecessary re-admissions to the hospital.

    Dr's almost never do this, most Dr's would prefer to keep you out of the hospital. Once more another argument from insurance they don't have to pay.

    -Hospital acquired infections.

    Find a cure and it will stop....We have been working on this for well...ever that is the big issue.

    -Illegal immigrants and drug dealers on Medicaid.

    That is such a small amount, but health care should be universal no matter what age, race, sex, sexual orientation, nationally. I have been sick in Europe and when to the ER...know what it cost me....NOTHING! and I am not a citizen of any other country.

    -Risky behavior such as smoking, obesity, and alcohol abuse.

    -reward dr's for getting people to stop smoking, lose wight, and abuse all drugs.

    -Prescriptions written on paper.

    -This is back to the electronic thing, many dr's have already starting calling in or doing it electronically.

    -Over prescribing antibiotics.

    -in the history of the medical field this is new and will take years to change habits.


    I look at this as an elective surgery just like plastic surgery just to look good. You want it you pay for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I object to the public option. It is, IMO, a ruse to provide low-priced, heavily subsidized insurance to the poor. Then the “subsidies” will be eliminated and the government will pick up the entire cost. Coverage under the public option will initially be limited to the poor, but in time that government-paid coverage will creep up to and through the middle class and stop only when it approaches the rich.

    I am a conservative, but I am pro-choice because that’s the law of the land. Who gets to decide what the law of the land is other than the Supreme Court? Certainly not me! The Court decided that issue 35 years ago. Public funding of abortion is another matter. People with profound religious beliefs that oppose abortion should not be required to pay taxes to support public funding of that procedure. And the clowns who say monies used to fund abortions can be segregated to be sure they do not include tax receipts from people who oppose abortion are lying through their teeth. They know better.

    Legal aliens should be allowed to buy into an insurance plan with no subsidies after they have been here for five years, but illegal aliens should be totally excluded. They should, of course, receive emergency care, but should then be deported so they can seek follow-up care in their own countries. I am not willing to have my wife wait a month or more to see a doctor because he has a long line of illegal aliens in front of her.

    If foreign nationals come here to see the Grand Canyon or visit Disney World, that’s fine. But at the point at which our health care system becomes a top “tourist” attraction, we are in real trouble.

    The debate over Obamacare may be moot. By the time it’s ready to go, we will probably not have the money to pay for it. Just hope you or a loved one is not in the middle of rehab after heart bypass surgery when the money runs out.

  • 1 decade ago

    no.... the problem was never the cost of health care. History has proven time and time again that government intervention has always failed. In the united states try to think of one government assisted program that has ever succeeded. Most of what happened with health care was the rise in illegal immigration. Obama inherited a 1 trillion dollar debt and for some reason is going to increase our debt to 10 trillion thus making the value of the dollar decrease more. When was the last time you balanced a check book and then decided that you need to spend more money to become further in debt? I am not liberal nor conservative by the way so i am not biased to who is in office. While health care needs reform, socialism is not the answer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How about addressing the billions of dollars in Medicaid and Medicare fraud? When you have a bureaucracy as big as the federal government it can't keep track. Fraud on this scale would never happen in the private sector. Keep healthcare private, between the doctor and patient. I don't want a panel of bureaucrats deciding my fate either. Not one oncologist was on this panel that came up with fewer mammogram testing. That's a just a peek at the future of Obama care. NO EFFIN' WAY!!

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    What ever this Democratic Congress does, the next Congress can just refuse to fund. Obama makes that easy when nothing but taxes go into effect until 2012. Won't that be fun listening to all the whining.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Health Care Bill will just make all of those worse

  • 1 decade ago

    That's long list of problems that should be addressed indeed.

    The bill is probably the last needle put into America's economy coffin, of course it will create more debt for America and American people - on the other hand it is going to be source of billions for large companies - eg pharmaceutical that are already lobbying among politicians to get the bill passed.

    Federal Health Bill Calls For Billions in Orwellian Psych Programs and Treatments

    UPDATE: New Health Care Bill Drafted by House of Representatives Filled with Psycho/Pharma Industry Agenda

    Information: The newly-forged 1990-page “Affordable Health Care for America Act” (HR 3962) offered by the House of Representatives is filled with mental health provisions intended to prop up psychiatry as well as the pharmaceutical industry with billions in future income. Key mental health components of this House bill:

    Vid #1

    Vid #2

    Vid #3

    Take action


    Information: The newly-forged 1990-page “Affordable Health Care for America Act” (HR 3962) offered by the House of Representatives is filled with mental health provisions intended to prop up psychiatry as well as the pharmaceutical industry with billions in future income. Key mental health components of this House bill:

    Mental Health Parity

    The bill mandates Mental Health Parity, or equal insurance coverage for mental disorders as what are covered for physical diseases, whether under their regular health insurance or whether a person gets their new coverage through the Health Insurance Exchange.  Psychiatric patients are traditionally “cured” when their insurance benefits run out.  In this bill, those benefits never run out.  Considering there are no medical tests to verify the existence of any psychiatric disorder, and without anything other than a psychiatrist’s opinion about whether or not the person’s “illness” is “cured,” this legislation becomes nothing more than taxpayer funded billions to the psycho/pharmaceutical industry who will continue their jihad of mass drugging of Americans.  This provision could easily encompass all 374 diagnoses in psychiatry’s diagnostic manual, covering everything from Phase of Life Problem to Arithmetic Disorder.  Section 214, Page 100

    School Based Health Clinics

    The bill includes funding for School Based Health Clinics that will include subjective psychiatric mental health screening (called mental health assessments) of children, and “referral to a continuum of services including emergency psychiatric care, community support programs, inpatient care, and outpatient programs” as part of their “comprehensive primary health services.”  This is a direct feeder line for the psycho/pharmaceutical industry directly into our schools. – Section 2511, Page 1352

  • 1 decade ago

    Let us fix the problems and the waste. We sure don't want a government run health system. That is laughable. With the government running anything, WASTE is the bottom result. Fix our system and leave the government at home.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are some things that need attention for sure.

    However, that can be done without a Trillion dollar price tag.

    And as far as federal dollars for abortions, I know a large group of people who have already declared they will not pay federal taxes for that.

    Source(s): Corruption is expensive, but more government corruption will not fix it.
  • Marcie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The problem is way too big and complicated. There needs to be a reform no matter what. And we need to look at Canada and Europe and learn from their universal healthcare. No matter what those systems are NOT perfect but they are better than we have now.

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