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Can my land lord make me pay rent after i move out?

Ok so i have a lease that is for 14 months however the lease states that after six months either party can break the lease for any reason by giving the other party a written notice of 30 days. it says nothing about further obligation to pay rent etc for the remainder of the contract. to my understanding if you can break the lease with written notice for any reason then there would be no obligation to pay anything as long as the 6 months was fulfilled.

it also states that the term of the obligation is to be set for 6 months "however and to forth and unto it the lessee or lessor unto both shall not be obligated past the 6 month time period set forth hereunto this contract."

from my understanding i was only obligated to 6 months per the lease. i have been here more than the 6 months time frame. i have given my landlord a 30 day notice. she has told me i will have to continue to pay rent until she finds someone to rent the place. she further told me the lease obligated me to 14 months of rent and that i would have to pay her the remaining rent in full or sign a new contract saying i would continue to pay her monthly until she rented the place to her satisfaction.

my land lord is a little crazy is why i am moving out. yeah she even said that if she had to she would lower the rent of the place but i would have to make up the rest until my contract was up.

i am in VA is this even legal?

can she call me daily to scream and yell at me over the phone about how i have *#&#ed her financially. she has 11 homes and 7 are now empty do to her craziness and her bank is threatening to call in on 3 loans that are now worth more that all of her properties combined to do the housing slump.

i know renters law usually takes the land lords word over everything else regardless but can i get a restraining to make her stop calling me. she also found out were i am moving to ( i have no clue how she did that) and has already gone over to that place. i cant move in there for another 20 days. is there anyway i can make her leave me alone? can she even be showing up at my new apt blding? and can she find out what unit i will live in?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Where are you getting the idea that your lease was 6 months. 14 months.

    You can't get a restraining order against her, she is not doing anything wrong, you are.

    She can obtain your new address, but her best bet would be to simply garnish your wages for the rent you seem intent to screw her out of.

    As fr as being legal goes you are the only one violating any laws, not your landlord.

  • LILL
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The clause you quote clearly states that you are legally obligated for the full 14 months of the lease. Any verbal agreement you had regarding the 6 month deal is unenforceable...since the lease will always override any verbal commitments.

    1. Why is she calling you? She should just start her lawsuit against you for breach of contract.

    2. Her financial issues are really none of your business.

    3. She is legally allowed in/on the property if she give you "reasonable" notice.

    4. It's very easy to find out where you will be moving to....especially if you file a "change of address" with the post office.

  • Kini
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The term of the lease cannot be 6 months and 14 months at the same time. Are you explaining clearly what the 6 months means? If the lease is 14 months, you are obligated for the balance of the 14 months or until she finds another tenant. What happened when she went to your new building? She sounds crazy so you should leave as soon as she gets another tenant unless the lease really is for 6 months, and make sure you get your security deposit back.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't understand that gibberish you said you quoted from your lease, but whether or not you owe

    rent for the full 14 months depends on what your signed lease agreement says. If it says you can choose to leave after six months and give proper notice, you do not owe for more than that, regardless of what your landlady says. You really need an attorney to read this lease and advise you -- this situation can turn into a real mess if you don't get some help. And I don't mean your cousin who works at the sneakers store.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Your landlady is two currants short of an eccles cake!! get onto the housing rights association.

    I did and I ended up going to court to get rent back off him. I won by the way. A contract is binding, the law is the law! Take her to court and watch her sqirm. HA HA JUST LIKE A WEE WORM.HAHAHAHAHA..YUCK..YUCK

    Source(s): ME
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