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Kitty asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 1 decade ago

What did you think of New moon?

i thought it was pretty good except i didnt like Edwards hair! ha call me shallow:)

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer was so bad

  • 1 decade ago


    Okay this is going to take a longg time to reply to so here i go ...

    First off i was soo excited for new moon like insanely ! i have been a twi-addict for a long time and i thought twilight was great ! i liked the dark blue toned, indie vibe ! the trailers for new moon were sooo epic ! at first i was pissed cuz they didnt mention jasper's power and the cafeteria scene between edward and bella and stuff like that ! when i saw new moon i was like yess ! i am seeing the movie ! when it ended i cried cuz is was soo beautiful ! the acting had improved a lot and omg ! EDWARD CULLEN WAS THE SEXIEST THING IN THE WHOLE MOVIE ! i was an emotional movie with great music and the connection and relationship between edward and bella was greatly intensified and i am thankful they said i love you to each other ! twilight grew on me and i love it so i think that new moon will do the same cuz rite now i am bitter-sweet ! my fav part in new moon was where edward crushed the phone with his hand ! EPIC !Also the reunion of edward and bella was so beautiful! But Still i wouldn't say i was disappointed with the movie but like i said i am pretty sure that i will grow on me ( like twilight did ) :D ! idk but i had a different view on it and i wish the film mentioned the floorboards but i loved when edward and romeo's lines ! :D SWOON ! i hope it does grown on me ! ( the movie i mean) ! ahahah i love the whole twilight saga and i am not ready for eclipse countdown mode cuz i am still in shock that i saw new moon ! it will take some time ! maybe when i c the first eclipse trailer ! ahahah eclipse was my fav book though!

    Source(s): MY TWILIGHT FAN BRAIN !
  • Tomato
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    it was the best thing i ever saw. it was way better than twilight. we must seriously thank chris weitz for becoming the new director because catherine didn't really hit the spot. I'm TEAM EDWARD all the way. he was so freakin hot!! btw. lost it when i saw the REMEMBER ME trailer. AWESOME!! my favorite part was in the beginning when edward/rob was walking toward bella/k.stew and he had the wind in his hair and he smirked. I was like hell yes!! Jacob/tay body was hot but his face was not. overall i loved it. Alice/Ash was funny when she dissed Jacob. I totally LOVED it. Edward was soooooooooooooooooo hot!! I can't wait!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    It was so interesting I loved it although they left out the plane scenes where bella was joking and asking alice to bite her. I really liked how twilight was dark gloomy colors but new moon was was warm colors. Overall it was great

    Source(s): Me and Twilight/New Moon
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  • 1 decade ago

    Even though im a guy and im str8!

    I loved that movie it is so goood!!!!! Bella was hott!! And umm im even starting to read the series im almost done with the twilight book and i luv it!! Ughhhh i want eclipse to come out already!!!!! I LOVE THE TWILIGHT SAGA!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Amazing!I loved it.I totally screamed when Taylor came on the screen.And,I cried my eyes out when Edward said"It will be as if I never existed."It was all I ever hoped it would be!!!!!!lol

    Source(s): Obsessed Twilight Fan Girl
  • 1 decade ago

    it was BRILLIANT!!! I loved the part where jacob and bella came out of the theatre and jacob said: what a marshmallow. you should be looking for a guy who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men throw up. that part was really funny.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It was horrible. People keep saying it was wayyyy beter then the first

    and its totally amazing....hahaha buncha liars! 2 and a half hours of my life

    i want back. gah!

  • 1 decade ago

    i thought it was much better than the first

    they did a really good job with jacob, his character really evolved emotionally and obviously physically, and i didn't even read the books

    i know the critics didn't like it but i enjoyed it

    my favorite part: "heh...that dude is weird"

  • 1 decade ago

    Totally loved it !!

    its way better than twilight, the director was better and it was a lot like the book.

    It's also funny

    Source(s): saw it two times
  • Minit
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    new moon was pretty good. some acting parts were hilarious. but it was better than twilight.

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