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Why are dems in a hurry to pass health care now?

This is a serious question & I would like a serious list of reasons or alteast one decent answer. I am a democrat & want to communicate to a republican who asked me this question. He believes the dems have crooked things in there & don't want people to read it. I believe there are good reasons such as people are dying & actually losing their life savings paying for medical expenses. So please star this if you have intelligent contacts who can help me give a clear answer to this important question. Thank you!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    IMO health insurance premium keeps going up. Now is it so expensive so many (47 millions)

    americans can't afford it. IMO a majority of the insurance companies is just out for profit. >0

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    President Obama as part of his campaign program, promised that he would fight to establish a system whereby nobody who does not have health insurance will remain uninsured. Such legislation requires the approval of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Fortunately thew Democrats won control of both houses, however a number of Conservative Blue Dog Democrats were opposed to Obama's plan and negotiations hod to take place in order to placate these Democrats. In the meantime the Republicans continued to oppose the plan. I believe that it not not only the Democrats who are in a hurry to pass the legislation, but the American people in general as well as the uninsured and the under insured, many of whom do not receive needed medical As a consequence they either spend their life savings for medical care, or even worse, they can only receive treatment when they are terminally ill and at the point of death. Speaking of deaths it is unconcionable that the US spends more money for wars and bailout than for decent medical care for the people in this country.Therefore these priorities must change In fact thousands do die for that reason. The Democrats do not have any hidden agendas. The Republicans however are responding to pressures from the business, corporate, pharmaceutical and insurance companies, to defeat this legislation. It's a disgrace that the US, as developed as it is, has more uninsured persons than any other country in the European Union. Lastly the Obama Administration for humanitarian reasons has put this legislation on a fast track. Incidentally if it is passed Obama will have achieved more than any other President during his first year in office.

    Source(s): Physicians for Social Responsibillity
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The Dems are rushing it through because they know that the more people who read it the more outrage there will be. There will be billions in unfunded mandates that the states will have to implement and fund and that means higher taxes at the state level.

    Do you remember when, earlier this year, Obama was giving a speech and said: "Now UPS and FedEx, they're doing fine. The Postal Service, now its struggling." Note that UPS and FedEx are privately-owned, profit-driven companies while the Postal Service is a government entity.

    Social Security and Medicare are bankrupt. If a member of Congress tells you they are solvent its only because of creative accounting.

    Have you noticed that the legislative, administrative and judicial branches of the federal government will not be forced into government run health care? Its good enough for you and me but not for them. They'll keep their gold-plated plans.

    Are you aware that all tax increases associated with the health care bills will take effect immediately but the actual plan won't go into effect until 2013? Sort of like paying rent on an apartment for 4 years before you're allowed to move in.

    The bottom line is it has nothing to do about health care. Its all about grabbing as much power and control over your life as possible and making a lot of politicians and their cohorts wealthy.

    Sheeple. We're becoming a nation of sheeple.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are not rushing anything. Geez they were upset when the dems wanted to pass it in August. in the intervening the republicans and their bosses the insurance companies have done nothing to hep the American People, rather all they have done is look for ways to enrich their corporate sponsors. why should anyone give them more time to find a way to enrich these guys?> I mean the health insurance industry enjoys a 40 percent gross profit margin already. All the arguments they throw out are disingenuous... Tort Reform.. bologna! We have had tort reform in california since 1979 and all it has done is enrich the insurance companies and screw the citizens of the state. Interstate Insurance...Hell Interstate banking sure has worked well for us!!!! Just pass the stuff and ignore the Republican efforts to screw the citizenry.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    They are acting like used car salesman... buy today or it won't be here. Pressure sales are useful when you want people to buy something not so good. Instead of telling people lets take a look at it they just push it through. We have time, but Obama knows if people think about it then they will not do it. I mean, the only crisis is the one he is making up. Medicare is breaking America's economy but he ain't talking about that!

  • 1 decade ago

    (1) Some of them believe that imminent disaster lurks

    (2) Some feel that every second is injustice

    (3) Obama and his team like the sense of urgency

    (4) They want to get it done before everyone has a chance to read it

    (5) The Senate bill has ex post facto taxes to the beginning of this year

    (6) The Senate bill starts a lot of other things Jan 1, 2010

  • 1 decade ago

    The Liberals have wanted this for decades and they are closer to getting it than ever before. They know that the further they get into 2010 and closer to the election the less likely they can get it passed. Also they want to get it passed and signed far enough from the 2010 election that they hope most people will have forgotten by election time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You know, I was in DC the Thursday before the house vote and met with my congressman, Jason Altmire. He admitted that on that day, 48 hours before the bill was to be voted on, he had not finished reading the bill and he told us that he did not know at that point how he was going to vote on it. I would like to know the answer to your quetion too. It seems utterly ridiculous to me, something so important that congress people are being forced to vote before they are obviously ready to make a decision

    Let me ask you this...if there is a rush for healthcare to be passed because of all the people dying everyday, then why in both bills are they holding off having it go into effect until 2012?

    ....and btw...people are NOT dying everyday because they dont get healthcare. That is a scare tactic....

  • 1 decade ago

    Anyone that thinks there is a "rush" to do this is ignoring something rather important - the effort to do this has been going on for 60 years... that's right - 60 years. If that is rushing then snails are track stars. The real question isn't why now - the real question should be "Why not now?" I think waiting for 60 years is long enough.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I too did not read the bill. But the bill is supposed to provide health care almost universally . This certainly includes limited welfarism. But health like food and education are universal human rights. Extreme rightists also must co operate.

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