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I just found out bad news.. anything i can do?

okay, well i just found out that my Older brother (almost 17) Does drugs...

but my parents don't know.... What should i do?

Btw.. The only thing i know about is weed.. Nothing else..


okay, well i just found out that my Older brother (almost 17) Does drugs...

but my parents don't know.... What should i do?

Btw.. The only thing i know about is weed.. Nothing else..

*New info

he doesn't buy the drugs.. someone in his band supplies it i guess.... and

they Use it during their Band practices..

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd first like to say some people on here should be a little more mature.

    You should tell him you know. Ask him why he does it. It could be he needs a little "escape" from life. He could be really stressed or depressed about school etc. Tell him he should stop. There are short and long term dangers of smoking weed in the source. If he doesn't stop, you should tell your parents. Do you know how much trouble he could get in if someone found it on him at school or at the mall? If the police find a small amount on him, he might get charged with a misdemeanor. If it's a large amount............... I hope it's not.

    Good luck to you and your family. Happy Holidays.

  • 1 decade ago

    big deal.

    no, don't tell your parents your brother will hate you.

    just say this "(name) i seen the marijuana in your room. i feel upset about it and i am worried about you. smoking or any other way is not healthy. i want you to quit, i will help you in any way you want me too. if you don't, i'm going to have to take it to more drastic measures and tell mom and dad. but before i do that, i'll give you a chance to quit."

    that'll work.

    Source(s): lighten up. who says he doesn't just do it on special occasions?
  • 1 decade ago

    tell him that you know, if you want him to stop, find his stash and through it away, thats what i did to et my mom to stop smoking. He wont want to keep buying it if it keeps going away, but dont tell him its you, or lead on that you know.

    Or you can get all heartfelt and talk to him.

  • 1 decade ago

    wow. its only weed. i thought you were going to say something else like if he was shooting needles up his vein. but its still not good and its illegal so tell your parents.

    hope i helped

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Burn one with him. It's not as bad as you think :)

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