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To anyone concerned about 2112...?

l wasn't sure until l thought about it a bit.

l will only start worrying if the auto manufacturers don't bring out the 2013 models or if Obama says he's gonna open his presents on the 21st.

since l need a question to pick best answer from, l'll ask ... um... ah...

from what movie came the lines:

"She turned me into a NEWT! ... l got better."


edit edit edit:

HA! my spellchecker didn't catch that.

of course, 2013 would follow...

Update 2:

BC... what about june 6, 1966... 4 sixes.

the world ended then didn't it? it didn't?

Update 3:

and you shoulda' just throw'd water on her.

Update 4:

Fie on you Cole! Tattletale!

l'm still gonna watch it. by time l do l will have forgotten you gave away the ending anyway.

Update 5:

gimme... did you wear out your VHS going back and forth on that one?

or do you just have too much time on your hands memorizing MP skits?

Update 6:

BC... what about june 6, 1966 (4 sixes)?

the world ended then, didn't it? it didn't?

Update 7:

gimme... did you wear out your VHS going back and forth on that one?

or do you just have too much time on your hands memorizing MP skits?

Update 8:

l KNEW l had already responded to you. it just didn't show up somehow.

Update 9:

FK... thanks for the way out... l musta' got confused with Rush.

and there's way too many buttons at the top of my keyboard. my fingers keep getting tangled.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Monty Python And The Holy Grail.

    After giving the other part of your question/observation due thought...

    Dum De Dum...

    It appears that my computer is beginning to slow down. l think they're ALL going to quit on us 12/21/2012.

    Source(s): -B
  • Cole
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The world won't end. The Mayans made up some calendar after when they thought one of the cycles would end. Even in the new movie 2012 the world didn't end (sorry for spoiling it for you if you haven't seen it.) I'm not quite sure about the movie quote but, by going by the previous people's answers I'll say Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I've heard many good things about that movie so I might have to watch it haha. Good luck fishin'!

    Source(s): ~
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Haha, good one. 2012 is just going to be like 2000, or like June, 6th, 2006 (6-6-6), it's all a big hoax. Who gives a heck what a bunch of naked Indians with head feathers said in a calendar? Even scientists have suggested that it is in NO way going to happen and that it would take a lot longer than 3-years for the world to end.

    Oh, I don't know what movie that came from ... *secretly looks at the above answers*

    *cough*, I mean it's from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

  • First of all it's 2012, not 2112.

    Secondly that's from monty python and the holy grail

    Third of all it is not funny. My cousin was turned into a newt by a witch and we had to kill him. (So he isn't contagious) The witch was found the next day but she was stoned before we could have full trial. (Is ok though, mostly funny)

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  • 1 decade ago

    There are ways to tell if she is a witch.

    Are there?

    Tell me, what do we do with witches?

    Burn them!

    And what do you burn apart from witches?

    MORE WITCHES!! Um... wood?

    So, why do witches burn?

    Because they're made of... wood?

    So, how do we tell if she is made of wood?

    Build a bridge out of her!

    But can you not also build bridges out of stone?

    Oh... um...

    Now, does wood sink in water?

    No, it floats, throw her into the pond!

    What also floats in water?



    Very small rocks!

    Great gravy!


    Churches! Churches!


    A duck.

    Exactly! So logically....

    If... um... she weighs the same as a duck... she's.... um... made... of.... wood?

    And therefore...

    A Witch!!

    Um... to answer your question, I forget what movie that's from....


    It's been a while since I've seen it, but I bet I can still quote the entire movie word for word if I were to watch it... we'd have regular Monty Python-athons when I was in high school and for a few years after... I've got a bad habit of remembering useless information, and well... M.P. seems to qualify... I may not be as complete on my mental script for Meaning of Life or Life of Bryan, but I'd estimate I've got at least a third of those down....

    (I never claimed to be "cool")


    "It's wafer thin..."

    Source(s): Misses hosting Monty Python-athons....
  • 1 decade ago

    2112 is a great RUSH album!! (lol)

    In regards to 2012 as the end of TIME I would like to quote Mr. Creosote- "Bring me a Bucket!" (LOL)

    (Gimme gets my vote for BA- Knowing her she actually DOES have it memorized!) (wink)

    UPDATE: Gimme, in MY book knowing Python MAKES you cool! Happy Turkey Day G. Say HI to B for us......Tell B to get his @ss on here once in a while! (lol)

    I imagine ya'll are having a mighty tasty Thanksgiving?- Backstrap, Pheasant, Gator, Turtle Stew, Etc.

    We are having the "typical stuff" at my Mother Inlaws- Turkey, Mashed potato's, Sweet Potato Casserole, Dressing, Etc.

    Oh how I miss my mothers Dressing! Sausage, steamed Oysters, Shitake Mushrooms, Onion, B-pepper, Celery.......sometimes she'd throw in some smoked Mullet or Trout............. THAT dressin' was a meal unto itself!

    Sorry, was reminiscing...............Happy T-Day EVERYONE!

    Source(s): 'ole fisherman.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    2012 is something the indians came up with or should i say the mayans so i doubt it will happen.

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