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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Has the "man made" global warming movement ACTUALLY become a religion?

Think about it. It is a belief that after some 200 years of human industrial activity, if one doesn't change, the world will end completely. Additionally, it tries to impress one to believe that their species is so important that it can end the world by behaving in a certain manner. One more thing, they want you to donate X amount of your dollars, but when I say donate, I mean tax. Is this really different from any church?


A Non-Religious Guy Who Doesn't Think That Our Existence Is All That Important In The Grand Scheme Of Things

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ridiculous narcissistic tripe... Glad you aren't that concerned about your existence..obviously you don't have children and if you do I pity them.

    Only here in AmeriKKKa where each and every Man is the center of the known universe, possessing all knowledge and wisdom there in.. does this nonsensical whimsy go on.

    FACT!!!! FACT, (remember those? ) The earth is experiencing a climate change, while it may be on a cycle of it's own our Millions of Tons of Carbon that is daily ejected and injected into our Atmosphere is having an effect...

    Do not debase science by linking it to your cave man affliction of "Gawd and Country", The only Religion displayed here is the overzealous need of the simple to cling to their group "hive" identity.

    Jesus is King,..Lord forgive us for we know not what we do...Are we our Brothers Keeper?

    It's like a broken Sesame Street record...

    Just go on being you and everything will stay the same.. no worries, Head back in the sand now.. *** in the air,..get ready for the fuggin of a lifetime..

    you have it coming

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Yes it has become a religion and Al Gore is the pope of the cult.Think of how much money certain groups will make off of the hype.Think of all that government money going to "research".Besides there is only so much you can do ,after all whoever controls the weather controls the world.Fear is the best political motivator. Climate change is part of the nature of the planet.Common sense is to have clean energy but until there is a buck in it all that happens is talk,talk and more talk.Government regulations,fines and penalties(gotta get that bailout money somewhere) We certainly need clean air and water .I am the original recycler and I don't waste energy just like many other people.I use energy and don't go for the "guilt" trip of doing so. I have a problem with Gore the guru who flies around a fuel guzzling jet.So does Queen Pelosi who opted for a bigger one to fly back and forth to California.Remember her saying she wants to save the planet,yeah she flies we walk.We can all start by using the new energy saving light bulbs. Oh I forgot they are the ones with mercury in them.Oh,well seems like a good idea at the time. I guess you all heard that some genius politician wanted to tax cow farmers for any that own more than 100 for emitting "methane gas" yeah it's true.Can we bottle it instead?Or on second thought send some from the bull to that politician as he knows the B.S. when he sees or smells it.

  • Climate change is happening. It's whether we're to blame is the question being asked by most people. Only the right try make it look like a religion. A scientific theory can never be a religion as well science and religion hate one another and find it hard to agree on anything.

  • Daniel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, dont think about the planet. You will be gone before we destory it unless we have a nuclear war, right? It is not a religion, it is truth embodied. We are effecting our planet and if you are so educated, look at real science. Greenhous gas is real and we are heating up the polar caps and it will cause major devastation.

    Overall, we might get hit by a 35 billion ton meteor, but we can prevent this. Should we not at least try for the science backs it up.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Without a doubt. It requires faith to actually swallow what they are pushing. Emotion based... All non-believers will end up in hell... They have their prophets and gods, they have a code of conduct (No SUV's allowed), they have an enemy or devil (in this case the rich), they have ways of identifying themselves (BO). They have rewards for approved behavior, and they think that they are the only ones with the answer.

    These communists and socialists are rather pathetic to choose something as stupid as Global Warming.

  • 1 decade ago

    It has.

    People love the sanctimonious feeling the get from driving a Prius, recycling or not flushing every time. They wear their green ribbons like a badge of honor.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If we don't behave in a certain way, sacrifice our lifestyle and live a lower standard of living, some invisible force will punish us all. Yes. It's a religion. Al Gore is their prophet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Liberalism is a religion founded on two pillars:

    Individual and scientific omniscience.

    When they both prove less than with global warming...

    they blame the Devil, Bush...:-)

  • 1 decade ago

    There are no facts to support it. Anyone who dissents is labeled as evil. There is punishment for disobeying and rewards for obeying.

    It is a secular humanist religion, but one without love for man.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, but the anti-movement has.

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