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Lv 57,060 points

Last True Paladin of Scotland

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I'm 21 and follow American politics closely, I am from Scotland, but try educate myself on issues as best as I can. I'm an amateur photographer and writer, I try avoid the mainstream news and most news I get is online from various sources. I consider myself Liberal, but I don't support Democrats completely and in fact only find my allegiance to one party, SNP (Scottish National Party),

  • Why is today on Yahoo Answers Politics a prime example of 'five minutes of hate' from 1984?

    People focusing on the hate instead of the victims and choosing to let the whole world see who these people are, an almost grotesque praise existing, since they can hop on political soapboxes and declare loudly, "I HATE THIS TYPE OF PEOPLE, THEREFORE WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT." I can only hope eventually your five minutes of hate dies and you realize you are simply letting your attention be drawn by shiny baubals.

    Justice is needed, but don't do it in a way where it becomes it's own reality TV show... Otherwise people will want a new season.

    8 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why are people more likely to defend extremism from their side and vilify the other?

    Should it not be instead both types of extremism are mocked and ostracized? Just because the extremist shares some of your ideas does not change fact they are generally breaking laws and also guilty of deaths a lot of the time. Would it not make more sense to instead not accept any extremism that harms others and not hide it under the table or the mat?

    13 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why are the actual leading causes of deaths in US not being acknowledged?

    These are from 2010, there is 2011 list but the point is that biggest causes are not any we are trying to handle, they instead are being ignored in favor of soapboxing.

    Heart disease: 597,689

    Cancer: 574,743

    Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 138,080

    Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 129,476

    Accidents (unintentional injuries): 120,859

    Alzheimer's disease: 83,494

    Diabetes: 69,071

    Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,476

    Influenza and Pneumonia: 50,097

    Intentional self-harm (suicide): 38,364

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Who does this sound more like in your opinion, note this is the 14 defining characteristics of fascism?

    Ignoring your own ideology who does this sound more like?

    14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism are:

    1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism.

    2. Disdain for the importance of human rights.

    3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause.

    4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism.

    5. Rampant sexism.

    6. A controlled mass media

    7. Obsession with national security.

    8. Religion and ruling elite tied together.

    9. Power of corporations protected.

    10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated.

    11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts.

    12. Obsession with crime and punishment.

    13. Rampant cronyism and corruption.

    14. Fraudulent elections

    16 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Just wondering how interesting do people find this comprehensive list showing how many executive orders...?

    each President had?

    Will link in the more information, but altogether it does create a rather interesting and less bias image to show the truth despite all the clear bias from both sides.

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • is Bob Dole out of touch or completely accurate on his assessment of GOP?

    I can say one thing, he surely seems broken hearted and angry at this outcome, whether you believe him or not is up to ya, but I doubt he's faking this outrage.


    How can you be sure that your party is truly off course? Consistently bad polling is a start, an inability to win national elections is another clue. But for the final nail in the GOP’s coffin, we have the revered former Republican Senator Bob Dole’s deep disappointment and shock at the modern day Republican Party.

    After the 89-year-old Republican wheeled his way back onto the Senate floor in 2012, hoping to pass an international treaty modeled on his historic Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, he got quite a shock. Dole was betrayed by his own party, including a senator from his own state of Kansas: The treaty was killed by his own party.

    The Boston Globe covered Dole’s reaction to the loss, which he blames on his party’s anti-government rhetoric. Dole called for the party to take a time-out to make repairs:

    As Dole sat in his Washington law office in February, still stunned by the outcome, he blamed his own party and suggested a headline: “Republican Party closes its doors to make repairs.” The GOP, added Dole, one of the party’s most revered figures, “needs a timeout” to tone down the antigovernment rhetoric.

    To be sure, Dole says there is a larger problem of political dysfunction in which Democrats also share blame. But if there is a legislative tale that symbolizes the rise and fall of bipartisanship in Washington during the past quarter-century — and the Republican Party’s own schism — it is the story of Dole’s initial success and recent failure on behalf of people with disabilities. It is also the story of Dole himself, discovering how Washington has changed and become a broken city.

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why should Monsanto have power over the US Government?

    Why should a Corporation have the power to avoid getting investigated for problems with GMOs, is this right in any way?


    There truly is no rest for the wicked, and Monsanto is at war once again against health conscious consumers with the latest ‘Monsanto Protection Act‘, managing to sneak wording into the latest Senate legislation that would give them blanket immunity from any USDA action regarding the potential dangers of their genetically modified creations while under review. The USDA would be unable to act against any and all new GMO crops that were suspected to be wreaking havoc on either human health or the environment.

    It’s a legislative weapon that could be passed as early as next week if we don’t gather enough support to force our Senators to eliminate the section. It all started in the late hours of Monday night, when lobbyists working for the Monsanto-fronted biotechnology industry managed to slide a ‘rider’ (through the deceptively worded Farmer Assurance Provision, Sec. 735) into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill that is currently on the table of the Senate.

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why is Education in American especially but in certain Western areas become so political?

    Basically this is in my opinion to prevent education reversing certain questionable things, make it political you can call it bias and therefore try silence or prevent it.

    Education is the best cure for indoctrination.

    I said this statement yesterday in Skype call and really I believe this is the biggest issue people have come to loath education and all it means. It's a well known fact Education cures the poverty cycle and yet politicians gut it without remorse and wonder what's going wrong? Education is not a left-wing or right-wing thing, hell the biggest mistake in US was when they began to make it political, when the very institution should teach facts and foster imagination, no agendas and especially not politics.

    So why is this so hard to understand, why is their this hatred of education and people trying to claim it's propaganda. If you educate people they become the future and if they soon realize in power what's going on, they are more likely to question...

    "Why are we doing this...?"

    And no one will be able to answer.

    Thus begins change.

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How can Justice Scalia call the Civil Rights act what he did?

    "...perpetuation of another racial entitlement..."

    Should not all Americans deserve the right to vote, not referring to immigrants I am referring to Americans. Is Washington really that out of touch with reality that it believes it can spout this garbage without repercussions?

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why must all evil people of the world be one ideology to a lot of people?

    Really claiming that every dictator was left or right wing is just pointless, it should not matter what side of spectrum they were from, monsters are monsters regardless of race, religion or ideology. As soon as we stop in my opinion trying to label every bad guy the ideology we hate most, the sooner we can progress.

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How is it right to force your rights on someone but your own rights must be saved?

    I ask out of genuine curiosity, I post a question about Idaho official who is going to enforce second amendment by making all adults members of a 'militia' not select, all, that means as soon as you turn 18 you become part of this militia, does not matter about how you feel on this issue, you are if this passes officially part of this.

    Tell me how having your rights violated like this to preserve your rights of second amendment is right?

    13 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is this a recipe for disaster?

    This seems a really huge misjudgement on his part, a huge one. not only does he seem not thought much on this, but he could well make things worse, by not giving people the choice and appearing to ignore people's rights.


    A Republican lawmaker in Idaho has proposed an amendment to the state Constitution that would require all adults to be militia members in an effort to preserve their right to bear arms.

    At a Idaho Senate State Affairs Committee on Wednesday, state Sen. Jim Rice (R) said that he feared that the U.S. Supreme Court would change the definition of the Second Amendment and allow the federal government to confiscate guns owned by individuals, according to The Associated Press.

    But Rice argued that the federal government could never take away people’s guns if the Idaho Constitution was changed to make all adults members of the state militia as a “backstop.”

    The Caldwell Republican hopes to let the voters decide on the amendment in the November 2014 election. Rice said that there was no issue that was more important to his constituents than gun rights.

    (Taken from Rawstory)

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is this a recipe for disaster?

    This seems a really huge misjudgement on his part, a huge one. not only does he seem not thought much on this, but he could well make things worse, by not giving people the choice and appearing to ignore people's rights.


    A Republican lawmaker in Idaho has proposed an amendment to the state Constitution that would require all adults to be militia members in an effort to preserve their right to bear arms.

    At a Idaho Senate State Affairs Committee on Wednesday, state Sen. Jim Rice (R) said that he feared that the U.S. Supreme Court would change the definition of the Second Amendment and allow the federal government to confiscate guns owned by individuals, according to The Associated Press.

    But Rice argued that the federal government could never take away people’s guns if the Idaho Constitution was changed to make all adults members of the state militia as a “backstop.”

    The Caldwell Republican hopes to let the voters decide on the amendment in the November 2014 election. Rice said that there was no issue that was more important to his constituents than gun rights.

    1 AnswerPolitics8 years ago
  • Why must all evil people of the world be one ideology to a lot of people?

    Really claiming that every dictator was left or right wing is just pointless, it should not matter what side of spectrum they were from, monsters are monsters regardless of race, religion or ideology. As soon as we stop in my opinion trying to label every bad guy the ideology we hate most, the sooner we can progress.

    5 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Are Tories in denial about Britain losing it's triple AAA mark?

    How else can you explain this?

    It would be comic if the consequences weren't so grim. There is no economic failure, it turns out, which cannot be hailed by George Osborne as a vindication of the policies that brought it about. Faced with the decision by the credit agency Moody's to scrap Britain's AAA rating, the chancellor declared it was yet another reason to stick to austerity – and the "clearest possible warning" to anyone who might think of breaking with it.

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Who attacked Libertarianism and left it for dead to die on it's own?

    my friend reckons it was consorting with mainstream right-wing that did it, and those who weren't absorbed were disenfranchised hypothetically speaking.

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Are those who flaunt an ideology imprisoning themselves to this one mindset with their arrogance?

    People who act so smug and sanctimonious about being some ideology whether right wing or left wing just come across as blind, because they will never recognize flaws of their system and are imprisoned to this mindset.

    That is at least my opinion and my experience.

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why do people seem to forget that Iran was once a good Government but America deposed them and replaced with..?

    the Iranian Royal Family?

    All because of the fact they were trying to nationalize the oil. Why do people seem to forget this?

    8 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • If a law is unethical and therefore wrong, should that law still be followed despite you knowing it is wrong?

    This is a question asked recently to a friend and they and I disagreed, I argued that if law is unethical and therefore wrong, why should said law be followed? This is in no way to do with gun laws, it's more that if a law truly is wrong in every single way then why should we keep following a law we know that is wrong, would we not be hypocrites to know a law is wrong, but to keep following it?

    8 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why is there all these comparisons to Hitler when history proves he was a liar?

    He said he was a Christian and got support from certain organizations, but he hated them.

    He claimed he was a Socialist but his philosophy at the time was more in tune with Fascism which ultimately inspired a lot of the things he did.

    He said first he only wanted the Rhineland, liar, said he wished only the Sudentenland, liar... then said Munich Agreement would solve everything, lie!

    See a pattern here, the guy lied so much that I reckon only him and his closest allies knew what his true beliefs were, and most of them offed themselves in some ways.

    11 AnswersPolitics8 years ago