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heard the one about Matzoh ball soup ?

Fella goes into his favorite deli where the waiter immediately brings him a bowl of matzoh ball soup. The customer signals the waiter to come back.

"Taste the soup!" he commands.

"Why?" inquires the surprised waiter.

"Taste the soup!" comes the reply.

"Max, you've been coming in here every day for ten years. There's never been anything wrong with the soup."

"Taste the soup!"

"What's wrong, too much salt--not enough salt?"

"Taste the soup!"

"What, the matzo balls aren't fluffy enough for you?"


The waiter finally agrees, "All right, all right, I'll taste the soup! Where's the spoon?"

"A-HA!" chortles Max.

2 Answers

  • Ryan
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Max is stupid. He needs to get a life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dont give up your day job.

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