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Why does`nt god put in a personal appearance to prove he exists?

Many people believe in a god for which there is absolutely no proof of existence, if he showed himself he might get more believers and secularism may decline,, otherwise his supposed existence will lose all credibility however long it takes and religion will finally be finished.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because he doesn't exist.

  • 1 decade ago

    If God showed himself .. there's a possibility that your mind would come up with this or that excuse as to why it couldn't really be God because you don't believe that he exists.

    You don't want him to exist because then you will be accountable to Him for your actions.

    If God does not exist, then anyone can do whatever they want without having to worry about God judging them. Formulate their own standards of life as it suits them.

    That is why many deny the existence of God and cling so strongly to the theory of naturalistic evolution. Because it gives them an alternative to believing in a Creator God.

    God exists and ultimately everyone knows that He exists. The very fact that some attempt so aggressively to disprove His existence is in fact an argument for His existence.

    Secularism will decline.. it's only been going on since the 1800's and it will be abruptly stopped and replaced by the Messianic Millennium. Godism has been going on for 6,000 years and will continue eternally.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    there is not any evidence of God. this is area of it. IF there became into evidence, then anybody (nicely, not anybody. Heck, there are nonetheless people who say the Holocaust did not happen!) might have faith. subsequently this is observed as faith. there is extremely some historic evidence of issues that have handed off, of persons and places who've existed, and so on.. yet evidence of God? No. not the evidence which you have got faith. Thomas Aquinas Suma Theologica has extremely some proofs of God, yet you will not have faith them. Or a minimum of, this is how I interpret your view based on your statements and how you write them. Oh and Jason's answer? It wasn't certainly one of your fallacies. So don't get on his case. No the place do you have a fallacy of, in basic terms because of the fact it exists does not advise somebody made it (or something comparable). So consequently his answer is great, in accordance to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He did, and they crucified him.

    Jesus Christ was God incarnate - God in the flesh - born as a baby in Bethlehem. Three times during his ministry, God spoke from heaven and declared Jesus to be his only Son, in whom he was well pleased. Other people heard it. The Holy Spirit came down on Jesus in the form of a dove. Jesus was transfigured on a mountain, with Moses and Elijah talking with him, and three of the apostles saw and heard that for themselves (eye-witnesses). And after Jesus had been crucified, over 500 people saw his resurrected form and spoke and ate with him. Some of those people also saw him ascend bodily up into the sky. But you aren't going to believe a word of that because even if you had the Jerusalem Newspaper, dated the day of the ascension, with a photograph, you would dismiss it as a hoax.

    Knowing how determined most people are not to believe in him, Jesus said that even if someone was resurrected from the dead, people still would not believe. Jesus was resurrected from the dead and, you know what, people still won't believe. But no matter. Jesus is returning in the same way as he ascended, and every eye will see him, and those on earth will mourn because of him (Revelation 1:7-8)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Christian 'God' is not real, and if there is some being out there, he/she/it/etc may or may not even be concerned with us...but as far as the people saying 'faith'....

    'Faith' is just as good an answer for one religion's 'god' as another's, yet many Christians bash others 'faith' in anyone but the Christian 'God'.

    At the point where you say ONLY your 'faith' is good, you have to see why proof is necessary. Or else the other religions can say 'faith', also and according to that same logic, they should be just as able to.

  • 1 decade ago

    God is the Creator and we are his creation, actrually everytthing else is the creation, once God becomes human he is not God any more, He does not have to. He sends prophets who are human beings who are the best of examples to show us how to live our life. He sends down revelation to him, like He sent down to david, moses and jesus and He sent the last revelation the Quran to the final prophet Mohammed peace be upon him. The quran tells us how to live our life. the reward is eternity in heaven. Read the quran, the most read and most memorised book in the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    God dose show Himself. You are just not willing to see. I have experienced three life saving miracles so far.

    Tell me this: where did the first atom come from that split into two, then four, then eight,.... into all the gases/air, rocks, salt, trees, birds, foxes, elephants,... to even us and the ability to love?

    It is science that dose not prove itself. They are claiming we are trillions of years old, yet fossils are over the planet with dinosaur and mans footprints together.

    Source(s): Bible, life
  • erin.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    he shouldn't have to prove he exists, "its not faith if you use your eyes"

    believe is enough if you choose not to believe then why should God bother to prove himself to you, He does exist, its not a fact but i believe he does. Their has to be some form of higher existence are you honestly going to deny all faith? Millions of people cant be wrong. and so what if they are wrong and it turns our our whole existence is a flook, well faith helps people and so therefore is a good thing. weather god exists or not is up to each individual, and their believes .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    look around there are many signs that he is with us. It is like in the Bible when the devil asked for proof to throw himself off of the mountain. Do not test your God!

    I bet when your child wife mom are in their death bed you will introduce to him really fast and ask for his Holy intervention. Be careful of what you say.

    Source(s): giving credit where credit is due.
  • cosmo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I know He exists, because every day I feel His Noodly Appendages touching my heart. RAmen!

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