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Hawk M
Lv 7
Hawk M asked in SportsFootball (American) · 1 decade ago

Are Vince Young and Leinhart still a bust?

I wanted to see the Cards win, but both Q Backs looked pretty good today,

The Cards had the lead with 6 seconds

But Vince found his guy

great game

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Great finish for Young against Leinart again. Facing that USC guy seems to bring out the best in him. But, I did get a little more confidence in Leinart if Warner does go down.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Jay Cutler and massive Ben are the two ultimate qb's of their era? If i'm no longer unsuitable, Eli replaced into drafted with massive Ben and the two have jewelry. Jay Cutler has.....squat. Now back on your question. Is Matt Leinhart a bust? I hate to call adult males a bust yet he's finding like it, a minimum of after this 3 hundred and sixty 5 days. the biggest's Arizona's O-line has continuously sucked, they have in no way had a stability offensive scheme (b4 or after Leinhart) and that they flow via coaches so quickly, there is not any consistency in philosophy. Vince youthful has shown he can will his group to victory. Are the numbers there? No, he's thrown greater alternatives than TDs yet once you're able to do sufficient to %. up W's, that's no longer trouble-free to do away with you (sounds lots like Eli). youthful has lots upside yet as with maximum rather cellular QB's, the franchise places each and every thing on their shoulders and does no longer something to assist, a la Michael Vick, Kordell Stewart, even Donavan McNabb (till getting T.O.) youthful desires a reciever he can have confidence and an offensive scheme that may not have the ball in his hands lots that he gets harm. EDIT: And Mr. Hollywood is a genius

  • KING
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It was a exciting game. Vince Young and matt leinhart aren't busts at least no today their not. Congrats to both guys.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Vince Young Bust

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes--great game.

    And like I said in a different question, there have been a number of hall-of-fame QB's who struggled early in their NFL careers--Elway, Terry Bradshaw, Fouts and Staubach to name a few.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Both franchises finally might be happy with their investments

  • 1 decade ago


    both teams are probably sleeping easier tonight

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