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Favorite Answers23%
  • Who thought that Pittsburgh, with almost the lowest salary, would have the best record going into August?

    Ya gotta love it

    New York Yankees — $228,995,945

    Los Angeles Dodgers — $216,302,909

    Pittsburgh — $66,289,524

    and who has the best record in the Majors?

    7 AnswersBaseball8 years ago
  • What did everyone think about the Nascar truck race on dirt?

    I thought it was great. Johnson said that the track conditions constantly change on a dirt track, and he thinks his experience racing on dirt helped him deal with changes on the paved tracks.

    I don't think that it is an accident, that all 3 Cup multiple winners, came up, driving in the dirt series.

    I would love to see more dirt racing. And the seating was smaller, but they were PACKED.

    5 AnswersNASCAR8 years ago
  • Have you heard about the crash and 24 hrs Le Mans? (Allan Simonsen)?

    Danish racing driver Allan Simonsen has died from injuries sustained in a tragic crash that took place during the first hour of racing today in the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Despite the best efforts of the emergency services in attendance, Simonsen’s injuries proved fatal. R.I.P.

    Seems like a lot of bad wrecks lately, all classes.

    6 AnswersOther - Auto Racing8 years ago
  • Is anyone else worried about Hamlin?

    Not a big fan of his, but I am definitely not a hater.

    I became a big fan of Gibbs, going back the NFL,

    I just have always liked the way he handles himself, on and off the track.

    I feel a little nervous about his back. My wife has similar compressed discs in her back.

    Fusing your discs is one way to go, but you lose dexterity and mobility.

    I hate to see anyone get hurt, including the drivers I don't care for.

    1 AnswerNASCAR8 years ago
  • Where will Johanna long finish?

    Johanna Long is still just outside top ten.

    I'd like to see her get a top 10, maybe even a top 5.

    3 AnswersNASCAR8 years ago
  • I need an 75-n series batter, for a 1994 Pontiac Formula Firebird (V8)?

    I live in Arizona, so heat is more of a problem than cold. I have an Energizer in it now. It has 2 different Amp ratings, 875 cranking Amps, and 700 Cold cranking amps. What's the difference? It has side posts, and sits in there very tight.

    What are everyone eles opinion? It seems like there is a different "top of the hill one", every few years. I used to be able to find more sites, that did independent comparisons.

    Thanks for the help.

    3 AnswersPontiac8 years ago
  • I need an 75-n series batter, for a 1994 Pontiac Formula Firebird (V8)?

    I live in Arizona, so heat is more of a problem than cold. I have an Energizer in it now. It has 2 different Amp ratings, 875 cranking Amps, and 700 Cold cranking amps. What's the difference? It has side posts, and sits in there very tight.

    What are everyone eles opinion? It seems like there is a different "top of the hill one", every few years. I used to be able to find more sites, that did independent comparisons.

    Thanks for the help.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Does anyone know why Tony wasn't at Daytona Nationwide, 2012?

    I know that he lost his front row start, with a "violation".

    but all that did was put him at the back.

    Tony has won many races from the back of the field.

    Yes, I checked his website, and did several google searches, with no luck.


    3 AnswersNASCAR9 years ago
  • Who do you like in the game? (GBvsNE)?

    I don't have a fav in the game, but I sure am surprised by how good this game is?

    less than 2 minutes left, and it's 31-27?

    2 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Green Bay vs the Pats?

    I know that the game is not over, but who else is shocked, that here in the 3rd quarter, the Packers are leading, with a back up QB

    who has outpassed Brady 170-64

    the Pack has out run the Pats 89-74

    they lead with Time of Possession 27-12 minutes?

    the only reason the game is this close, is line man running back a poor kick and a pick six?

    I thought i'd be watching repeat movies by now

    and Im not a fan of either team

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Cardinals 43-13 blowout?

    Is any one else shocked that the Cards are beating the Broncos 43-13?

    That's 6 turnovers for the Broncos

    I know they have a new coach, but they arent that bad?

    (YA wanted to post this in fantasy football?)

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Nationwide qualifying?

    It looks like the Nationwide qualifying is rained out,

    Does any one know when/how they will choose who gets to race and who goes home?

    or where it will be posted?

    I have checked the Nationwide section of NA$CAR's site, and they don't mention the rain, or the starting cars.

    I know that they have more than 10 cars over the 43, that came to qualify.

    Kyle I'm sure is in,

    but what about Stewart, Jr, and some of the other cup regulars that didn't race enough last season to in on points?

    I have done several searches, but can't find any answer.

    1 AnswerNASCAR1 decade ago
  • Jets Colts game sound?

    we just lost the sound for the Jets Colts game, in northern Az

    did anyone else lose the sound too?

    The picture is good, just no sound?

    2 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Who will the Saints face?

    Congrats to the Saints

    My heart was with the Cards,

    but I picked the Saints to win the NFC this year, before the season started

    Can you believe, Y/A wanted to put this in "rugby"?


    12 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • I thought Turkey Day was over?

    Then I turned on NBC....

    Why is Keith Olderman still on TV?

    IS this the most irritating guy on TV?

    or is it Chris Collinsworth?

    6 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Are Vince Young and Leinhart still a bust?

    I wanted to see the Cards win, but both Q Backs looked pretty good today,

    The Cards had the lead with 6 seconds

    But Vince found his guy

    great game

    7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else pleasantly surprised by Big Ben?

    for all his haters, he is leading the NFL in passing yards,

    # 4 in passer rating

    "After throwing for 417 yards Sunday while beating Cleveland 27-14 for the most by any Pittsburgh quarterback during a victory, Roethlisberger leads the NFL with 1,887 yards passing, 77 more than Houston’s Matt Schaub(notes). Roethlisberger also is No. 2 in completion percentage (72.5), No. 2 in yards per game (314.5) and No. 4 in passer rating (104.5)."

    Steelers n Saints in the Super Bowl

    10 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Mary Travers of 'Peter, Paul and Mary' dies?

    I had the pleasure of working with her, when she went solo for a while

    a beautiful lady

    I know this is not a question

    I just wanted everyone to know

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago