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Hawk M
Lv 7
Hawk M asked in SportsAuto RacingNASCAR · 1 decade ago

Nationwide qualifying?

It looks like the Nationwide qualifying is rained out,

Does any one know when/how they will choose who gets to race and who goes home?

or where it will be posted?

I have checked the Nationwide section of NA$CAR's site, and they don't mention the rain, or the starting cars.

I know that they have more than 10 cars over the 43, that came to qualify.

Kyle I'm sure is in,

but what about Stewart, Jr, and some of the other cup regulars that didn't race enough last season to in on points?

I have done several searches, but can't find any answer.


Thank you Rockin

you'll get the 10 points

I'll leave it up a little while, in case others are looking for the same thing

I guess I should have checked one more time..

thank you again

1 Answer

  • Pkpark
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It was just posted on

    Jeremy Clements, Kevin Lepage, John Borneman III, Brett Rowe, Derrike Cope, Johnny Chapman, Jason Keller, Shelby Howard, Jeff Fuller, Donnie Neuenberger, Dennis Setzer, Mark Green, Parker Kligerman, and Chase Austin were the drivers that did not make the race based on last years owners points.

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