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Hawk M
Lv 7
Hawk M asked in SportsAuto RacingNASCAR · 8 years ago

What did everyone think about the Nascar truck race on dirt?

I thought it was great. Johnson said that the track conditions constantly change on a dirt track, and he thinks his experience racing on dirt helped him deal with changes on the paved tracks.

I don't think that it is an accident, that all 3 Cup multiple winners, came up, driving in the dirt series.

I would love to see more dirt racing. And the seating was smaller, but they were PACKED.


I would like to see more "modified" cars, Outlaws, winged and no winged sprint cars too. I'm hoping that the channels (like Speed) pay attention to all the other racing leagues, including dirt tracks. I grew up watching local tracks. we had 2 in our town, and several more within 100 miles. Outlaws still come through town every year. And the stands are sold out, well before raceday. More GT, ARCA races, so get to know the drivers better.

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It was truly awesome the best NASCAR race in years who knew an old retired veteran like Ken Schrader would come out of nowhere and win the pole and just and awesome setup and awesome racing, at an awesome track.

  • Josh
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It was fine, but it certainly didn't do dirt racing justice. Those trucks are too heavy, very slow, and extremely ill handling. Compared to actual cars designed for the dirt, it was a pretty uneventful event; although, it was a good show.

    I'd be fine with more dirt racing in NASCAR, but they certainly shouldn't be point races. NASCAR is what it is today and that isn't dirt racing. If NASCAR wants dirt racing, they should create a full fledged dirt racing league, with vehicles specifically designed for the dirt, and televise them midweek or something. That is obviously much easier said than done though.

  • Sam H
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I watched it, didn't really enjoy it. Trucks don't belong on dirt, they just looked extremely awkward, they were designed to race on pavement not dirt. Overall I don't care for dirt racing in general, but if the majority of fans enjoyed it, than that's all that matters.

  • 8 years ago

    It was awesome

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  • 8 years ago


    Source(s): tldr
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