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I need an 75-n series batter, for a 1994 Pontiac Formula Firebird (V8)?

I live in Arizona, so heat is more of a problem than cold. I have an Energizer in it now. It has 2 different Amp ratings, 875 cranking Amps, and 700 Cold cranking amps. What's the difference? It has side posts, and sits in there very tight.

What are everyone eles opinion? It seems like there is a different "top of the hill one", every few years. I used to be able to find more sites, that did independent comparisons.

Thanks for the help.

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well in Arizona cold cranking amps are pretty useless that's the total number of amps that you can expect to get out of the battery at 0°F the cranking amps are at normal room temperature I think about 75°. If you want to get a battery that is dependable I would shoot for something like an interstate or the diehard premium series you're going to pay more money but the better real, the better warranty and therefore you can exchange it and get the same excellent battery stay away from the Walmart batteries

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Your batter[y] wont last more than two years in the desert heat no matter what it is. Go to AutoZone, buy their middle grade battery and save the receipts. You'll be back.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Tony is 100% correct. The other guy wouldn't have a clue. The formulation and trans am has the detailed identical transmission. Nothing bigger or more advantageous about eaither one. Its the same

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