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If the world ends on Dec 21-2012?

Will you be ready to go, will you have made your peace with God, are you a person that believes they evolves from the monkeys?

And if you really believe you evolved from the monkeys, why aren't we evolving into other creatures, and why has evolution stooped,

16 Answers

  • Jess H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The entire claim that the Earth was going to end in 2012 is based on a *misinterpretation* of the Mayan calender, which appears to those who don't know how to read it to end in 2012.

    In reality, the Mayan calender is a cyclic calender, meaning it runs in a cycle. (Much like a car's odometer, which, when it reaches 999,999 miles, will click back over and start at 000,000 again.) The people who are claiming that the Mayans predicted the end of the world are reading the Mayan calender as if it was a linear calender like ours. It's not. The Mayans did NOT predict the end of the world. They did NOT make any claims of the sort. The people who say that the Mayans said anything like that are people who know NOTHING about the Mayan culture, don't know how to read the Mayan calender, and have NO idea what they're talking about.

    Either way, why anyone would attach any sort of significance to a perceived "prediction" made by an ancient civilization that couldn't even predict it's own downfall is beyond logical comprehension. (Not that any end-time theorists in the history of mankind are known for their logic or comprehension skills.) It's particularly baffling that it's Christians who seem to have grabbed on to this, and use it to back up their religion's end-time fantasy, when under ANY other circumstances they would say that the Mayans beliefs were "false beliefs".

    Just in the past few hundred years, there have been THOUSANDS of end-time predictions made...NONE of which have come true. Why on Earth people don't learn from this unbroken pattern of failure, and still panic when a new end-time prediction comes along is beyond me. The human race really needs to snap out of it, start using their heads, stop being so ridiculously gullible, and stop buying into this superstitious nonsense.

  • Corey
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We and extant monkeys share a common ancestor, which could argueably called a monkey too, even though it is not a species of monkey that is alive today. "Monkey" isn't a terribly percise term since some people use it to mean all primates, all non-human primates, non-ape and non-prosimian primates, non-extinct non-ape and non-prosimian primates, or some wierd amalgam of the above.

    We are still evolving, it's a slow slow process. There's only been roughly 600 generations since the agricultural revolution, but even then some traits are becoming more common, such as lactose tolerance. If you think evolution means that we're werewolves, then either your school owes you an apology for not teaching you well enough, or you owe it an apology for wasting its time with your willful ignorance.

    The world won't end on 21 Dec 2012, and the combination of the two unrelated conspiracy theories leads me to believe you might be a poe.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. The world isn't going to end.

    2. Please, please, /please/, before you make stupid claims about evolution, educate yourself.

    3. We did not evolve from monkeys. We evolved from a common ancestor.

    4. We are still evolving.

    5. Evolution has no stopped. It doesn't happen in one generation. It takes thousands and thousands of years, sometimes even millions.

    Before you go and ask stupid questions like these, do just a little, tiny bit of research, and you'll find how wrong you really are.

    If you would take the time that you waste putting people down and spouting stupid things, and use it to learn something new, you would be a much smarter person.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow. Two headdesks/drinking questions in one.

    I don't know if that qualifies someone as a talented troll or not. Or maybe just a really bad newbie.

    The world isn't going to end in 2012, and evolution doesn't say we evolved from monkeys. Also, evolution hasn't stopped.

    Source(s): agnostic-atheist
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm an older guy, and I have survived countless guaranteed ends of the world. I'll stay relaxed, thank you. The one that interests me is the actually inevitable one a couple of billion years from now, when the sun starts it's inevitable burn out. By the way, nobody believes we descended from monkeys, and no educated person believes evolution has stopped when we can see it changing all kinds of ways all around us. Really, my misled friend, the Flintstones was not a documentary film. Saint Augustine wrote that when someone uses Scripture to deny that which is obviously true, it is a damaging scandal to Christianity,and a laughable one at that. When this Biblical inerrancy stuff started in the 1700's, they denied the stern advice of St. Paul, St. Anselm, St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, to wit "The letter killeth, the spirit giveth."

  • 5 years ago

    ok,come down expensive, you mentioned the two calenders state the international leads to 2012 Dec,wright?, so what do they say comes after that? Does yet another international initiate and who is going to write down the subsequent calenders? I advise, you proceed which contain your examine, for even the bible says, no person knows THE TIME, THE DAY OR THE 12 months, meaning, we are only guessing.communicate on your God.he will coach you a thank you to work out the actuality. thank you for sharing,

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are Christian, then why are you basing your 'end of the world' fear on the calender of a non-Christian society? And you do know that it says in the Bible that no one will know the day of Christ's return, don't you? So the world WILL NOT end on a day lots of folks expect it to based on the Bible. See everyone else's answers about evolution. Next time, have your facts straight.

  • 1 decade ago

    2012 is not the end of the world, but yes I have accepted Jesus as my Lord an Savior. I do know that God has forgiven me for all of my sins. I am ready when he comes back.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) Evolutionary theory does not state that we came from monkeys.

    2) Evolution happens over millions of years.

    3) It has not stopped.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe something will happen. Don't know if the world is going to end, but I'm sure something big will happen.

    I'm ready if God shows up... I've been ready ever since I let God into my heart

    I'm no Bible Pounder, but I love God in my own christian way.

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