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Kerilyn asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Have you "ever" been introduced to someone that does NOT look at you, when you talk to them?!?

My question is: Do you trust them?!?...


"eds", your so right my friend!!

I'm trying!!

Update 2:

This is my son's new girlfriend...even when she walks by me, to use the bathroom...SHE DOES NOT LOOK AT ME...she talks to the air!!! lol

Update 3:

I used the word "ever", because I have met people like this...and as it turned out...they were NOT trust worthy...they also lied!!!

23 Answers

  • Tom R
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i dont think you jump to a conclusion . it could be culture or lack of self worth. if they feel unworthy does it help for you to be angry with them. i recently talked to a girl that didnt make eye contact with me but i found it was because she was in an abusive relationship. lots of untrustworthy people can lie to your face. body language experts say that liars will look down when they tell a lie. , i doubt that they were lying the entire time.

  • Eds
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    Although it is difficult to trust a person who will not look you in the face while speaking with you, please remember that some people have a difficult time doing so. Those with low self-esteem generally look down rather then look directly at anyone. I have met people who are genuinely wonderful and caring individuals who were treated very badly while they were young and they have had trouble connecting with others for this same reason. We should always do our best to trust one another until given a reason not to. CHRIST said to "love thy neighbour". Who is your neighbor? I believe that every other person in this world should be considered our neighbor whether they live next door, 100 miles from us, or across the ocean. I generally love others and try to be as giving toward others as I possibly can be. Have a great evening and a wonderful weekend.





    I absolutely love you but I know we do not always agree (on some matters). I have two son in laws and one daughter in law. My wife and I consider them as "our children" and treat them as such. Sometimes we do not agree with them but we always love them and care for them. Even when they are wrong, I would stand up for their right to believe as they do. Two of the three are members of the LORD'S CHURCH and the third will be at some point in time (I believe). Have a great evening.




    Source(s): ~~~~~ LOVE I F E ~~~~~
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, to some extent, I can be that person. Being an atheist, it's a little strange for me to say "eyes are the window to the soul", but still and yet, I find that eyes are the window to...something. I don't know someone I am just meeting, I don't want them trying to find "the inner me" through my gaze. I also am not sure if I want to see the "inner them". Yeah, I guess I can be a little shy (in my own way). I will make eye contact, but I tend to look away alot. I don't want to get all up close and personal with people I don't know. It may seem untrustworthy to you, but I choose carefully who I trust, is all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't look at people in the eye when I talk to them. I got this from my mother, and I am also a very timid, shy person.

    I'm a very dependable person, and I don't see why would wouldn't trust someone for doing that. It's clearly an understandable thing, and some people, like me, become uncomfortable when people look at them directly in the eye.

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  • 1 decade ago

    well sometimes its hard to know who to trust in this world. *sigh* But just because someone doesn't look at you when you talk to them doesn't always mean they are untrustworthy, they could be shy, or lost in thought, have self esteem problems, might have not been taught proper manners, etc. it doesn't necessarily make them a bad person. My advice to you is, don't be too quick to judge. (try to notice other aspects of the person besides the fact they don't look you in the eye)

    Source(s): i know someone like this and he is a really good, honest guy (my dad) but he is also very shy. (which is why i think he has that problem)
  • Ian
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, I know someone like that. He is very rude.

    I trust him in the sense that I believe everything he says is true, but I don't trust him in the sense that I don't think he really cares about anyone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    depends on if other body language is present. If they are not social creatures then i can excuse it. my trust is earned in other ways that just body language as well. I've had peopple look me in the eye and lie to my face and they were quite good at it.

  • 1 decade ago

    yeaaah, its so uncomfortable and rude!!!! i dont think they mean to be rude, they are prob shy! But once u get to know them, they'll loosen up and be more comfortable talking to u!

    Never trust a person you just met, even if they look you straight in the eyes (some people are really good liars!!!)

  • 1 decade ago

    depends if its the first meeting they might be a little bit shy or have a low self esteem, once you get to know people they should look at you more when talking 2 you

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have you EVER considered that this person might have some degree of Asbergers? and that they therefore are psychologically INCAPABLE of looking at you when they speak to you??

    And that this causes them enough trouble already...without having people assume that this means they are duplicitous or snakey in some manner??

    Source(s): Just a thought.
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