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Will we as a species ever have to decide it's time to voluntarily slow our population growth?

Take a look at a human population graph covering the last few hundred years and tell me if you see a striking trend. At what point do we determine that, yes, it's time to start discussing voluntary reproduction control?

So far, it doesn't seem like the masses will take it upon themselves to stop reproducing. And people would march on their respective capitals in most countries if their governments tried to implement it. How can we warm ourselves up to discussing this, what will eventually be the most important decision in our species' existence?

Also, please save the "Okay, you start by killing yourself" or "too bad your mom didn't have an abortion" comments. Very clever and all, but this is an honest question.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If the current trend continues, in 50 years there will be over 13 billion people. This is unrealistic, one way or another, the population will stabilize.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't worry, the populations of the US and Europe are alrady stabilized, except for the immigrants. The genetic europeans, USians, and Russians are already at 2.1 children per couple and falling. The Chineese are even lower. Replacement is 2.4 per couple since not all people join couples and reproduce.

    Your fears that white people will overcrowd the world are mistaken. It is the peace-loving third worlders who are pushing the population growth charts. Since they have 'vibrant' natural culture with superior environmental oneness with Gaia already, more than we capitalist rat-bastards can ever have, when the earth starts to actually become overpopulated, the light skinned menace will be extinct through lack of replacement. The earth will be inherited by people of darker skin and greater wisdom. They will be wiser keepers of the earth, and will manage it in peace and prosperity for all.

    The world will also be considerably wamer, and huge sections of permafrost will have thawed, and many more crops will be harvested for the peaceful co-existance of those left.

    So have no fear, we are leaving the world in good hands.

    Meanwhile, if you really want the population reduced in a hurry, the spread of nuclear weapons to the areas totally under sway of the 'religion of peace' should warm your heart.

    Pakistan and India have been at each other's throats since the Paks went independant. Now that they're both nuclear powers, and India has a huge population, the reduction of the world's population seems assured.

    Not to mention, Mahamoud Achme-whatever-jad has sworn to wipe Israel from the map. Iran is about to get nukes, and is run by a martyr religion. Israel is known to have in excess of one hundred nuclear warheads and them means to deliver them, so your misanthropic urges are shortly going to get some massive reinforcement.

    Meanwhile, I don't recommend you kill yourself, since that's only one person. One person can't make any difference in the global scheme, which is why so many earth loving celebrities are the only one person riding in their private jets, coming to tell us to stop driving our pickups.

    Even Obama rode a heavily loaded 747 to Earth Day in Iowa to tell the plebs to drive hybrids. The real hoot is that he didn't even have to pay for his own jet fuel. We did.

    I can't think of any reason that you should be unhappy with the current world situation at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    population control is inevitable whether voluntary or mandatory.

    Govt may decree it, or the people may decide themselves to do it or it could even happen due to disease.

    The planet is only so big and resources are being used up.....and some people have gone out of their way for some reason to villify those who say that we really should think about the way our planet will be in 20, 40, 50 or 100 years. They think people that are concerned about the future in that way are fools.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Have you had any history lessons? The crusades, genocide, Holocaust, Jihad, abortion on demand.

    People have been trying to exterminate each other since time began! Now they call it population control. Ask China and India to cut their respective populations in half. Lets see how that goes, maybe we can try it.

  • 1 decade ago

    If the masses cannot accept personal responsibility, then the elite who have the power to intervene will depopulate the planet for their own survival. As much as I hate the idea of a global Hitleristic eugenics project, we pretty much asked for it.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The Chinese have tried this. They limit the amount of children anyone can have. You need a permit. If a child is born and they already have one they must pay horrendous taxes so they sell their babies. So the babies are still being born

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think everyone in the world as a whole will ever agree on anything, even if it was to save mankind.

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