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roasting chicken in cast iron dutch oven?

what is the best temperature and approximate time to roast chicken leg quarters in a cast iron dutch oven?

i just got my cast iron and haven't made very much in it yet. i've got 4-5 pounds of chicken leg quarters that i plan to roast for dinner tonight, and then i'll shred the rest for tacos and cook off the bones for broth tomorrow.

also, what is a good seasoning to use on the chicken tonight so it tastes good but doesn't mess with the flavor too much to use it for tacos and chicken noodle soup later?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Roast at 350 degrees for an hour or so. Check for juices running clear. Season with Salt, Pepper, and Garlic and Poultry seasonings. mm

  • 1 decade ago

    Dutch Oven Spicy Roast Chicken-2

    12” deep Dutch Oven

    14-15 coals, each, above and below

    1 5lb Chicken, thawed, patted dry.

    1 Onion, sliced

    4-5 green onions, sliced

    ½ Tbsp Cayenne Pepper

    ½ Tbsp Paprika

    ½ Tbsp Salt

    ½ Tbsp Pepper

    ½ Tbsp Cumin Powder

    ½ Cup Chopped Fresh Cilantro

    4-5 green onions, sliced

    Zest of 1 lemon

    Juice of 1 Lemon

    Olive Oil


    Thaw and dry the chicken. Place it breast-up in the dutch oven. Slice up the onion and the green onions, scatter around the chicken on the bottom. Mix all the remaining ingredients in a bowl (add oil last). Stir, add oil enough to make it a paste. Cover the upper surfaces of the chicken with the seasoning paste. Roast until the internal temperature of the chicken is about 170 (about an hour and a half).

    4 servings

    Serving Suggestions

    Spicy rice

    Tomato and cucumber salad

    Grilled bread

  • 4 years ago

    Dutch Oven Chicken Leg Quarters

  • 1 decade ago

    First thing you need to do when you purchase a cast iron pot is to season the pot itself.If you don't season your pot start looking for black specks to turn up in your food.This is the mill scale from the iron.Of course over time the pot will cure its self as you use it.A quick way to season the pot is to generously apply cooking oil inside and out while your oven is preheating at 450 deg.Place pot in oven for 6 to 8 hours and you have a seasoned pot.Don't be afraid to repeat this process through out the pots life the more the better.Also never let your pot air dry this causes rust to start developing and can get trapped in the pours of the iron.You may not see it,but you will taste it.Turn on your stove top and heat until the pot is dry then apply a generous amount of cooking oil inside and out before storing.I know you didn't ask but just in case you were unaware of this process.Plus you already have some great answers.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    never buy aluminum cookware, the metal scrapes off and gets into your food. always go with stainless steel or cast iron. companies like calphalon look nice and are expensive but they are mostly aluminum. so they are selling inferior product for a lot of money. buy all-clad or beka or copper french pots. you cant go wrong with those.

  • Pablo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    roast the chicken for a half an hour or so

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't know about the temp or time, but as for the seasoning i would use tex mex and poultry seasoning

    it gives it a nice kick

  • 1 decade ago

    just rub the pieces down with butter, it gives a nice color and flavor

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