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Ex-boyfriend advice please?

Basically, here's my last relationship:

My ex-boyfriend and I started going out in May. His brother was born that day at 4 in the morning, and he was at the hospital with his parents but came to school the next day because he couldn't wait to ask me out and wanted to do it in person. When he did ask me, he was shaking all over and when I said yes, his whole face lit up. Over the summer, we saw each other every day until he went to his dad's house for a month. While he was there, I hardly even talked to him. I ended up going on vacation for three weeks when he got back. On our three months, he didn't bother to call. But, when I got back everything went back to normal. Then school started, and he said he didn't have time since he was on the football team. I asked how he felt and he said I cared more about him than he cared about me, and we didn't talk for a week. Then we broke up in October. I still see him everyday after school, and I catch him looking at me. Yesterday we went to a concert with a mutual friend, and he was behind me the whole time. He made sure I didn't get hurt in the pit, and he picked me up against my wishes to crowdsurf because he thought I'd love it. We sat next to each other at the mainstage and he was watching me during the bands he didn't like. I still love him and miss him more than anything.

So, my question:

Does he still care about me?

As a friend or more than a friend?

What should I do about it?

Could I get him back?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He does care about you because he wouldnt of taken you to that place and made sure you wouldnt get hurt, i cant say if he still wants to be with you or not because i dont actually know lol but if you really want him back, i guess theres no harm in giving it another try or maybe just go with the flow and see what happens =)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sounds as if he still cares for you, but it might just be in a friendship way. You won't know unless you talk to him, and he might not even admit it then, but all you can do is ask. Sounds like he has something going on in his family life when he goes to his Dad's , maybe it makes him not want to be in a relationship...but guess at this is pretty pointless. The best thing to do is ask him upfront, then all you can do is hope he tells you the truth. Other than that i'd say move on, cause you don't want to sit around forever and miss out on something else because you were hung up on him when he wasn't on you, ya know? Good luck!

  • 4 years ago

    In a manner he did call you...he called a radio station to play a music for you! He might desire to nonetheless choose his time, so do no longer presure him yet you will possibly desire to permit him be conscious of that your buddy heard the music and your emotions approximately it -- in case you concept it became candy, if it you enjoyed that he did that. you additionally can tell him in case you opt to be acquaintances lower back (each and every boyfriend/lady buddy are acquaintances for the duration of their dating no be counted if all of it began as acquaintances and grew to relationship or they only met and started dated and grew to alter into acquaintances) or miss taking to him/seeing him. are not getting overly comfortable or emotional, in simple terms exhibit a opt to have the lines of comunication open. i wish this helps. sturdy success.

  • 1 decade ago

    By the sounds of it I think he does still care about you and probably regrets the break up

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