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  • What should I do about my industrial bar?

    Yesterday, the industrial bar I've had for two years was nearly ripped out of my ear by a crowd surfer during Vans Warped Tour. It bled some afterwards, but it dried up quickly and I cleaned it well when I got home. It has continued to bleed and now it's really sore. What can I do to stop the bleeding and soreness without having to take out my piercing.

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • What should I make my boyfriend do?

    I won a bet against my boyfriend, and now he owes me three things.

    First two are already decided (night down by the beach and a massage) but I need a third.

    Suggestions, please?

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I just stepped on an 8-week-old puppy and now I'm flipping out, scared out of my mind. Help?

    She's eight weeks old and not even mine. I'm fostering her for a rescue group. I was cleaning out the playpen her and her siblings have been staying in, and I didn't see her under the blanket, and I accidentally stepped on her. I didn't see where, but it wasn't with all my weight. As soon as I felt the fur I flipped out. There wasn't a crunching or cracking noise, but now she's lethargic(I don't know if that's just because she was sleeping before too though?) and she was also a little wobbly when walking.

    Currently, she's laying on my dad but before she was whimpering.

    They won't let me take her to an animal hospital. They keep telling me she's fine.

    What do I do though? I'm flipping out and before I was hysterical crying and I just have no idea what I can do to make sure she's alright.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What would be the consequences of kissing my ex?

    So, me and my ex went out for about four months. He was a sweetheart during our relationship, but he was a total d-bag when it came to ending it.(over a text, the day after my birthday, promising me that I'd still get my birthday present that I never received and saying that we could still be friends. he was having family issues though and we were unable to see each other as much as we both would've liked to)

    We really aren't too friendly now. I know he still has feelings for me because he disclosed it to one of my friends. The past few days he's been following me after our last period that we happen to have together, down the hallway opposite from the school exit.

    Seriously, though, if we don't talk, we aren't forced to socialize with each other, and I really don't see him much, what would be the negatives of just laying one on him one day?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Help with boyfriend's birthday present?

    My boyfriend and I have been going out for a little over four months, and we've known each other for about six.

    For his birthday, I got him two shirts from Hollister(about $15 each) and a Madden 2010 game for the Wii(about $25). I'm also making him a cake, since he asked.

    Is that too much?

    And would he actually like the Madden game?

    Help please.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Any indie/alternative songs that say 'you let me go'?

    So, me and my ex have a weird history.

    We broke up a while ago because we both just kinda stopped putting effort into the relationship.

    I've given him opportunities to make things better, but nothing's happened.

    I now have a new boyfriend.

    My ex has been putting depressing song lyrics up, saying things along the lines of I fucked up and can I still fix things.

    I just want a song that will tell him I'm done. He let me go. Things are finally better for me, and it's best that we both just move on.

    Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What should I use as a MySpace URL?

    I'm horrible at making screennames, and this MySpace URL thing is pretty much going the same way.

    I've had mine since I was in seventh grade, and it's pretty embarrassing. I found out how to change it, but now I have no clue what to change it to.

    My name's Krystyna. Any ideas on what I could do?

    1 AnswerMySpace1 decade ago
  • I'm having some trouble stretching my ears?

    I've been debating whether or not I should stretch my ears for a while now, and yesterday my friend bought me plugs and tapers measuring 14g and 12g. I slid the 14s into my ears, and they feel fine.

    After a little research, though, I saw that the material they are made from (they're acrylic) makes your ears more likely to get an infection. Can anyone verify this?

    Also, how long should I wait between stretches? I've seen 2 weeks - 2 months. Is it just dependent upon what you're comfortable with? What's healthiest?

    And, one last question: Where can I find plugs, tapers, or tunnels out of materials other than acrylic in smaller sizes such as 10g and 8g?

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • How do I gain closure?

    I'm still in love with my ex-boyfriend. We went out for five months, and we broke up a little over 3 months ago. I'm pretty sure he's moved on, but I can't bring myself to.

    How do I talk to him about why our relationship ended without making a fool out of myself?

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ex-boyfriend advice please?

    Basically, here's my last relationship:

    My ex-boyfriend and I started going out in May. His brother was born that day at 4 in the morning, and he was at the hospital with his parents but came to school the next day because he couldn't wait to ask me out and wanted to do it in person. When he did ask me, he was shaking all over and when I said yes, his whole face lit up. Over the summer, we saw each other every day until he went to his dad's house for a month. While he was there, I hardly even talked to him. I ended up going on vacation for three weeks when he got back. On our three months, he didn't bother to call. But, when I got back everything went back to normal. Then school started, and he said he didn't have time since he was on the football team. I asked how he felt and he said I cared more about him than he cared about me, and we didn't talk for a week. Then we broke up in October. I still see him everyday after school, and I catch him looking at me. Yesterday we went to a concert with a mutual friend, and he was behind me the whole time. He made sure I didn't get hurt in the pit, and he picked me up against my wishes to crowdsurf because he thought I'd love it. We sat next to each other at the mainstage and he was watching me during the bands he didn't like. I still love him and miss him more than anything.

    So, my question:

    Does he still care about me?

    As a friend or more than a friend?

    What should I do about it?

    Could I get him back?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Sagittarius and emotion?

    I'm a cancer in a relationship with a sagittarius. He really seems to have trouble expressing how he feels, and doesn't let his guard down easily. Is this typical for a sagittarius male, or is it personal?

    1 AnswerHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to get your braces linked together?

    My boyfriend and I both have braces. We've made out a lot before, but we've never gotten our braces linked together. I was just wondering if it could happen.

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago