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Any indie/alternative songs that say 'you let me go'?

So, me and my ex have a weird history.

We broke up a while ago because we both just kinda stopped putting effort into the relationship.

I've given him opportunities to make things better, but nothing's happened.

I now have a new boyfriend.

My ex has been putting depressing song lyrics up, saying things along the lines of I fucked up and can I still fix things.

I just want a song that will tell him I'm done. He let me go. Things are finally better for me, and it's best that we both just move on.

Any suggestions?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well a life of the party by a rocket to the moon says "you turned me right around and threw me down and now i cant get up you'll be sorry just you wait and see, lets get one thing straight, youre gonna regret you left me" I'm not sure if its indie or alternative though.

    mayday parades i'd hate to be you when people find out what this song is about says "well im thinking of the worst things that i could say to you but a promise doesnt mean a thing anymore and this never will be right with me and now youre trying desperately but im tounge tied and terrified of what ill say... and im sorry this wasnt easy when i asked you believe me, you never let go but i let go"

    im acutally having a hard time finding songs, haha thats all i can really find. i hope it helped :)

  • 1 decade ago

    well this is indie and im not sure if its the right idea you are going for but theres some lines thats are good i guess... its the boy who blocked his own shot by brand new

    heres the link ....

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