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WTF is up with the music business these days?

I mean seriously, WTF? Whitney Houston definitely got screwed over this year. Fan or not, the lady got shafted. They give Amy Whinehouse (drugged up and all) a Grammy, but Whitney (clean and all with a pretty awesome comeback album, which was also number 1) doesn't deserve at least a nomination? That's ridiculous. People want to say that Whitney doesn't deserve one b/c she can't sing anymore, as if Taylor Swift has some magical vocal gift. She's only getting recognized now b/c of Kanye. A year ago, nobody gave a crap about the chick. People want to say that Whitney shouldn't win out of charity but people were saying the opposite when Michael Jackson was up for all those AMAs. And Beyonce's "Single Ladies" is up for an award? WTF? A song where she basically says"Single Ladies...put a ring on it" about 200 times. And that warrants a grammy? Whitney got shafted but I'm not surprised. People love to crap on the woman over her past mistakes and continue to kick her, as if she's the first person in the history of the world to do drugs. Whitney is more received outside of this country b/c people out of America aren't as judgmental and hypocritical as people in the States. I know some love to say "well she messed her life up with drugs. nobody made her do it" I'm not saying that anybody did. What I'm saying is that you have a person who messed up in life, but they found their way back and judgmental people will continue to bash her over it. The woman can't even blink without being accused of something or bashed over her past. If she has a performance and misses a note, then the whole performance is crapped on. But if we go through something, we expect the whole damn world to cater to us. But when it's Whitney, let's just bash her, point the finger and point out everything she did wrong in her life. And then there's Adam Lambert. Apparently he's still receiving backlash over his AMA performance. He kissed a dude. Big whoop. Nobody said anything when Madonna and Britney Spears were making out at the VMAs. Where was the uproar over that? I'm not a Lambert fan, but damn come on. No wonder the rest of the world hates the United States of Hypocrisy. It's just sad, borderlining on pathetic, that in America the hypocritical, judgmental, ************ thinking is the norm nowadays. I realize that most will probably come here and do the typical Whitney bashing with the "crackhead" joke or make fun of Lambert's sexuality but whatever.


Going back to the Lambert point...what about when the duo known as T.A.T.U was around flaunting their "lesbianism" all over the world? I remember when they performed at an awards show back in 2003 and they had all the lesbians running around stripping, kissing, and grinding on each other. (pretty hot by the way lol) But once again, there was no uproar over that. I just find this situation with Lambert to be extremely hypocritical. Seriously, if that had been a woman performing like that, nobody would have said a thing. But b/c it's a dude then suddenly it's wrong? Suddenly he's getting all this backlash?Suddenly, children may be watching? Women have been flaunting their sexuality for a while now. But if a dude does it, then it's wrong. There's live performances of women grinding on dudes, giving them lapdances, basically having simulated sex, and making out with women. But that's ok. But if a dude does anything close to that...then suddenly it's wrong? That's mess up.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The music industry is having a heart attack.

  • 1 decade ago

    Michael Jackson did NOT deserve to lose the AMA artist of the year to Taylor Swift either. You are right. She's nothing special. But as for Whitney, I was neevr a big fan and it has nothing to do with her drug use. As for Adam Lambert, he is OK, but people got all bent out of shape over his AMA performance being too racy when ladies like Carrie Underwood and Lady Gaga gave pretty raunchy performances. I get tired of women always being used as sex objects, but if a man like Adam Lambert gets showy, he gets dogged on. And yes, the music industry is going insane. Beyonce used to be better than she is now. But, I just live my life and not worry so much about this stuff.

  • 1 decade ago

    Taylor's fans are bananas, so I wasnt shocked she won.. blah.

    Britney & Madonna's kiss was everywhere and people were shocked.. but no one blurred images of it and no one really got pissed at them and canceled their performances.

    I think it was bc they were a lot bigger than adam, but still.. the homophobia is still there.. its not fair. I agree.. love that britney/madonna performance though

    ps- adam's new cd is pretty damn good

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i agree! people need to stop being so judgemental all the time! they hurt people feelings when they do that! Whitney Houston is human too! Can't celebrities be normal? I mean nobody's perfect!

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