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If science hadn't wasted time & money propping up bogus theories like evolution, what might it have achieved?

Thanks in advance for your answers. God bless.


Kitteh King: All medicine development has to do with variations and adaptions, nothing to do with what creationist refer to as macro evolution. Please explain to me in detail how the idea of one animal evolving to another has contributed to scientific advancement's that have benefited man kind in any way shape of form. I repeat, One animal evolving to another, not variations and adaptions used for medicine R&S.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A lot more that is for sure.

    To all you out there who say evolution is real, only on a Macro level but none beyond that because believing in any higher functioning form of evolution is as silly as believing in global warming!

    We just proved Global warming wrong so it's just a matter of time before we prove evolution wrong also.

    DNA stays the same always, you will never get a shift in a animal forming into another, only within species and nothing more.

    Why is it that every year you change it because you found a flaw with the old theory? why is it that there are no transitions in fossils only fully grown species?!

    I'll tell you why, because evolution doesn't, hasn't and will never work on the scale that you propose that's why!

    Source(s): Research, Study, Logic, Reasoning, Understanding, Knowlege and Wisdom.
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    {Sigh}...... good judgment is straightforward to check, because of actuality it is logical, and could be thoroughly revealed in at maximum 24 pages. you will the two Philosophy and to arithmetic. this is an occasion of Syllogistic Reasoning {from the final to the particular) no you would be in R&S who has no longer studied good judgment. {Yahoo! solutions participant} of course has no longer studied good judgment. consequently, {Y!AP} should not be in R&S. Sorry, that's no longer meant as a private insult, yet maximum folk in this section fail this syllogism. because whilst are Postulates "ranked in technology"? Postulates (or axioms) are arithmetic, particularly. Are some extra effective, greater, worse or decrease? Any beginning up ingredient, any non-empirical given, is a postulate. All are of equivalent weight. Who ranks "theories" and hypotheses"? each may be a valid clarification of the info. frequently, hypothesis is what you call it formerly an test. it is a "new concept" . concept is what you call it later on, till it is disproved. "Rational human beings" is an undefined term, and so is "Christian", and so I ask the completed Room in many circumstances, because it is a good place to do it, Why are you All here while not having achieved your coaching and homework?"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Amongst the things helping to "prop up" evolution are the discoveries of the Human Genome Project. I take it you have heard of that? So if we hadn't wasted time "propping up evolution," we wouldn't now know about the genetic causes of many diseases. I take it creationists would have approved of that?

    And if you don't (want to) believe me that the Human Genome Project helped establish the truth of evolution, ask the person who led it (an evangelical Christian).

  • 1 decade ago

    If science hadn't wasted time pretending to find cures for cancer, muscular dysentery, aids and other so called diseases and spent that money on real issues where would we be now? Tired of seeing Jerry lewis every year for over thirty years and still no cure? B.S.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You're welcome! In fact evolution is not a bogus theory! It is supported by countless scientific data! In fact the way we're fighting viruses like the H1N1 virus is BY the theory of evolution. You see viruses mutate every year (evolve) into a very different virus, which our bodies' anti-bodies can't recognize anymore. So we use the theory of evolution to predict the rate of change of these viruses in order to provide a working vaccine to the virus every year for the public! The real question is, how horrible would our healthcare be now if it WASN'T for the theory of evolution! Have a nice day, and God bless!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    An end to "home schooled" idiots who don't believe in immunizations and want the US Government to bring about the Rapture through foreign policy in the middle east.

    Or a good frozen pizza that's not soggy in the middle.

    Either ones good for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don''t understand why God and Evolution conflict with so many people. If you believe in an all powerful, all knowing being why can't he be responsible for evolution?

  • 1 decade ago

    You've got to be kidding, because nobody can be that stupid. I hope you don't take advantage of flu vaccines, by the way, because that would make you a hypocrite. I'll let you guess why.

  • 1 decade ago

    Discovery and Knowledge

    Source(s): Knowledge and Wisdom...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe we could've spent that time and money trying to figure out how to capture the stork so that there wouldn't be anymore unwanted pregnancies.

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