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Lv 6
Em asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Return of the Antiwar Right?

I've been wondering how conservatives will handle Obama's support for what have been known as Bush's wars. In this article, written by conservative Jack Hunter, the possibility that the right is finally moving away from the willingness to go to war anywhere, anytime, and toward an anti-interventionist position regarding US foreign policy, is discussed. As the writer says, it's about time.

"For eight long years under George W. Bush, conservatives endorsed a don’t ask, don’t tell foreign policy–they did not really ask why their country was at war and Republican leaders did not tell, or bother, Americans with any of the gory details. Missions were accomplished, we fought them over there so we didn’t have to fight them here and troops were supported by simply supporting the wars they fought, with little to no dissent. But why were we fighting? What was “victory?” How many had to die? What was the cost? Conservatives did not ask-Republican politicians did not tell."


I have always been antiwar, and always been against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, regardless what anyone on the left or the right believes. We need to reduce military spending to absolute essentials and close down our military bases all over the world. The so-called war on terror is bogus, and must be ended. It's time to get down to basics, that is, the needs of Americans, not the desires for power and increased wealth of those already wallowing in both.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, it seems to be a political shift in hypocrisy to me but both sides are still hypocrites!

    Where are the antiwar protesters from the left now that "the one" is in office? Hmmmmm I guess the continued occupation of the middle east is okay now since its not a republican ( or that idiot Bush ) doing it eh? ( meanwhile our borders are STILL wide open but we claim its for national security LOL )

    Pot meet kettle!

    Source(s): Libertarian and retired vet ( 1986-2008 ) with two tours in Iraq......
  • 1 decade ago

    No, the hypocrisy is with the libs and dems who called Bush a warmonger and other hateful names but go along with Obama that Afghanistan is a "necessary war".

    I want to see more leftist anti-war protesters out there. Where are they?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You bring a good point with the return of the anti war right however as the anti war right returns the anti war left melts away.

    we all are hypocrites when it comes down to it

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