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My 23 month old toddler having daily nightmares, help!?

Well not sure if she is having nightmares or not but for the past 5 months or so she has been waking up at 2-3-4 in the morning crying out, after I get up to get her (she sleeps in our roon in her toddler bed) she won't go back to sleep unless I put her in my bed and give her milk. During the day when I leave her with my mom or her sitter she is just fine. But when I pick her up she cries about everything just wants me to hold her and throws a lot of fits. Not sure if this is normal or not or if any one has any idea of what this could be. She has her next appointment first week of February for her pediatrician should I bump it up to ask him? I am a child abuse victim and always fear that my baby could go through the same thing and just want to see if this is normal behavior in toddlers before my I start putting ideas in my head. Thanks for your input means so much to me!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    this is separation anxiety. my daughter did it for months, at about the same age. its super tough, but heres what worked for us: stop responding unless she really need you. when she wakes up, give her some water,tell her its all ok, mommys here, etc, but dont get her out of bed. she will scream. maybe for hours, she may climb into your bed, in which case you put her back in hers. the horribleness will only last 2 or 3 days, and when she comes home in the daytime, dont pick her up every time she asks. i know the quivering lip, gasping for air, crocodile tears crying is hard, but dont give in. im not saying dont pick her up at all, just less, tell her play with toys, babydolls, pets, books, give her a few pots and pans, something that will ignite her curiosity and make her forget about you for a little while. even tv. she needs to gain some independance, but she wants to stay mommies baby, so find a happy medium, or you will be carrying a 10 year old on your hip before you know it. also keep in mind that your child has been studying you for 2 whole years, and she knows what makes you sad or irritated, and she is manipulating you like a pro to get what she wants. trust me. if you do what i say, she will sleep thru the night by next week, and will come home, hug you, and go play by herself. good luck

    just a little fyi, now at 28 months, my daughter just got her own room with a toddler bed. i take her potty, turn on her nightlight, she turns off the main light , i cover her up , say goodnight, kiss her and leave the room and close the door. she knows unless something is wrong, she is there till morning. she doesnt even whimper anymore (finally)

    Source(s): 28 month old daughter
  • 4 years ago

    Toddler Having Nightmares

  • 1 decade ago

    My son is 23 months and has started waking in the night a lot too and comes to our bed (and usually will not go back to his bed) and gets very upset at night too. This came out of nowhere in the last month or 2 before that he always slept fine.

    Regarding the picking her up from your mom's, I don't know because I am a stay at home mom so I don't deal with that but I do know when my husband is home my toddler throws fits a lot, much more than when he is just home with me. Maybe it's to get your attention because she doesn't see you all day?? I suppose that is what it is with my son....

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I think that this sentence is totally ridiculous. The law buffs managed to get this eejit done for culpable homicide, not murder. I hope that they are squirming in thier fancy offices now.. This guy was guilty of taking a wee kiddies life and should spend the WHOLE of his life behind bars. Jings, as it stands, if he doesn't upset the wee prison buffs, he will be walking around the streets again in just six years.. It's totally obscene. It's time that we took a leaf out of the US system and condemned such low-lives to a proper full life term, no parole. Take a life, get life!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I went through the same thing she doesn't want to be seperated from you. My daughter came in my room everynight until she was eight. It is a phase. I would tell the dr, but I do think its normal. My daughter is twelve now and turned out great. It got to the point at night to put her to bed i had to rub her head and sing until she fell asleep. just showing her i was there for her helps. Good luck!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Just get reverend Hale to come and wipe out all of the bad spirits

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