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&&&& asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 1 decade ago

So. I'm running away from home?

I dropped out of junior high when I was 14 (in 8th grade). I just turned 17 last month. My life isn't going anywhere and I need to get out of here. I've been on and off depression episodes since I was 10. And have finally decided to do something for myself to change that; for better of for worst. I don't have a dad, he left when I was 7. My mom is a good person but a sh-tty mother. All she cares about is her cats and her business. Kids come last. When she pulled me out of school she said she would get me a tutor and home school me. But she has made no effort to start homeschooling me, or put me back in school. I don't think she cares at all. She is very evasive on the subject. If I confront her, we end up fighting and she repeats the same story over and over; how I never help her clean the house, and how her business if failing and her employees steal from her. etc etc. You guys have no idea how difficult she is to deal with. I'm starting to think she actually doesn't want be me move out. Maybe its because she's not married and is scared to be left alone because I'm the only one she has. I love her, but I'm not going to let her ruin my life.

My older sister fell behind in school too. But she did graduate a couple of years late. She struggled with depression too. Attempted suicide once. And ran away from home when she was 16 to go live with her boyfriend at his parent's house who lived 4 hours away in another city. Which was the best thing she had ever did because she is still with him and his parents are paying for her to go to college right now.

But I don't have anyone and probably wont go to college. I'll try to graduate high school, but, who knows. So here is my plan; bring backpack full of stuff. Steal some money from mom. Pocket knife just in case. Get my license. Buy a greyhound bus ticket. Try to get a bank account and save up as much extra money as I can to get my own place. Live on the streets, or with someone if I can for a year until I'm 18 and get my own place. Once I have my own place, try to get back in school. There are programs you can go to that will allow you to graduate school in 2 years instead of 4 years. Do that, graduate when I'm 20. And pray to fcking God I'll have a chance to get into college when I'm 21.

Money; my mom is an eye doctor who owns her own business. I already have a head start because I know how to make glasses. So I plan on working as a lab tech in an optometrist office. It pays about 12$ an hour. Which is not bad.

I have some questions though. Can you guys help me out?

How do you get a drivers license? Can you go by yourself without a parent?

Where would be the best place/ city to run away to? (I live in texas, but it doesn't have to be in texas)

Do I bring my birth certificate with me? To get a job?

How old do you have to be to open up your own back account?

What is the legal age to run away? Since im 17, will the cops be able to drag me back?

Anything that I haven't thought of?


my mom has plenty of money. She wont notice if I steal 1,000 to get a head start. And she wouldnt call the cops or press charges either.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay, I don't want to lecture you, so I won't but there is some things I have to tell you. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders, and from what I've read, you seem pretty mature. But you're clearly not considering everything.

    I moved out at 19, with my boyfriend. We got this tiny 1 bedroom apartment which was $800 a month. We figured it would be easy, but its not. There is a lot of little bills we just don't consider as first time movers. Yes, you can find a bachelor apartment, and you might be lucky enough to find one for $500, but prices are going up. I now live in a 2 bedroom apartment with my boyfriend/fiance. That is costing us $1100. (The price just went up this month) There is no chance in hell I could afford a place by myself. I need an extra provider. My sister moved out at 18, and had to rent a room from people for 2 years. It cost her $350, and it was hell for her. There were so many rules, and the people just weren't good people. But, that is another option you could consider.

    Definitely graduate High School before leaving. I dropped out at 17, and when I moved out at 19, it was very difficult to find a job. It's hard enough to find a job without a University/College degree, never mind just a High School diploma. So, I went back to school and got my diploma. 2 months later, I finally got accepted for a job. (We moved out in October, and I didn't completely my HS until June of next year and couldn't find a job, so it was VERY tight with just one income. I had to keep borrowing money)

    Don't steal money from your mom. You'll really regret it later on, and it will bother you tremendously. Plus, you said she was having trouble in her business, so that would just cause more trouble for her. If you want to move out, you need to provide for yourself.

    One thing I also did, was when I was 16 I got a job. I saved half of it, and the other half I would go shopping and buy things I would need to move out. (Towels, dishes, pots, tooth paste, everything) This was the smartest thing I've ever done. I would highly recommend you do this. Continue going to school, and get a part time job. Start buying things you'll need. I highly recommend checking out the dollar store first. They might not have the best of things, but they do the job. And try and bank at least $3000!

    Here is a estimate of what I pay to give you an idea: (monthly)

    2 Bedroom Apartment: (Prime location) $1100

    Apartment Insurance: $16

    Car Payment: $220

    Car Insurance: $180

    Gas: $150

    Phone/Tv/Internet: $190

    Cell: $60

    bf Cell: $70

    Cat Care (food/kittylitter): $100

    Groceries: $400 (food, toilet paper, anything we need)

    And that is not including if one of our cats get sick, or our car breaks down, etc)

    I only make $10/hour, and I'm lucky to pick up a $600 pay check every 2 weeks.

    So, I would highly recommend you find a bachelor or room to rent, which is all inclusive!

    How do you get a drivers license? Can you go by yourself without a parent?

    You first need to go for your G1, which is a written exam. You're old enough to go by yourself. It will take about 2 years for you to be legally allowed to drive by yourself. So, when looking for a place, you need to consider distance from home to work if you're walking or taking a bus.

    Where would be the best place/ city to run away to? (I live in texas, but it doesn't have to be in texas)

    I live in Canada, so I wouldn't know. But look around. Don't rush this.

    Do I bring my birth certificate with me? To get a job?

    You need 2 pieces of ID and a SIN card. You might be able to apply for a SIN card online. I know you can in Canada.

    How old do you have to be to open up your own back account?

    You're old enough!

    What is the legal age to run away? Since im 17, will the cops be able to drag me back?

    Don't consider it as running away, look at it as moving out. You can legally move out at 16 in my province, but your parents can drag you back. You have to prove you can provide for yourself. But if your parents don't care if you left, and are over 16, you're fine. If you're over 18, they can't do anything.

    Anything that I haven't thought of?

    Just what I mentioned above. But like I said, I highly recommend finishing High School, and getting a part time job. Bank half of it, and start buying things you'll need. Also, when about to move out, consider the cost of a moving truck and hook up fees if you're getting tv/phone and internet. Don't just pack a bag and run for the hills, there is so many things you'll need. Just focus on school and saving. You'll be happy you did!

    Good Luck, and feel free to ask me anything else.


    Source(s): ***EDIT: And I forgot to add laundry. We have to go to the coin laundry places. (Its such a pain in the a$$) That costs us about $40 a month. And we also have fees to pay with our bank a month. They are roughly $20 a month. ***EDIT: $1000 is not even close to the amount of money you'll need. Remember, when you move out, you need first and last month rent. Plus, stealing is so low. You might not think she'll care, but she will. Its her money that she earned! Don't lower yourself to that level!
  • Leah
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    How do you get a drivers license? Can you go by yourself without a parent? You an go without a parent, some states require drivers education and driving classes unless you are 18 years old.

    Where would be the best place/ city to run away to? (I live in texas, but it doesn't have to be in texas)

    I wouldn't know this

    Do I bring my birth certificate with me? To get a job? Yeah that'd be a good idea since you need 2 forms of ID to get a job IE: birth certificate, social secuity card, drivers license...

    How old do you have to be to open up your own back account? 16 or 17 or so

    What is the legal age to run away? Since im 17, will the cops be able to drag me back? You 17 so your legally responsible for yourself. The cops can drag you back and press charges if you steal money from your mother...then you'll end up in jail....not juvinile detention since your an adult..

    Anything that I haven't thought of?

    This doesn't sound like the safest run away and live on the streets you are much more vulnerable as a young 17 year old girl to get raped, murdered, assaulted, anything. The real world is tough, especially if you don't hve a plan. My best advice would be to stick it out until your 18, get your GED, get your drivers license, get a job and move out the right way. All this crap about living on the streets and stealing money from your mom is crazy, and it won't end well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I in fact know what you're going through. I work with street kids. You remind me of a girl from an upper class family. Her and her twin brother ran away at 12 yrs old, and they were drug addicts at 10 yrs old (weed). By 17 she entered the evening program I volunteer at. She was detoxing from heroin at the time. If you run away, you will have a VERY high chance of getting involved in drugs and prostitution. In fact, nearly 100% of the street kids I work with (and I've worked with thousands in Canada, USA, and Brazil) have become drug dependent.

    More and more upper middle class parents are into their jobs, that they don't think about their kids. There is no doubt you are being neglected. Have you wrote a very heart felt letter to your mum? Have you talked to a guidance counselor (councillor) at school? Have you spoken to a friend's mum? Perhaps, you can live with a close friend or another relative for some time.

    You need to go back to school. Your mum doesn't need to register you. Right now, you need to walk into a high school....any high school and DEMAND to speak to a guidance counselor.

    As a last resort, have you thought of a runaway shelter or group home? If that happens, under US and Canadian laws they have to tell your mother where you are.

    I think above anything, you need to see a family therapist. Your mum needs to start acting like a mother!

    If all is said and done and fails, then walk out on her for good.

    Source(s): do this as a job ps you can't drop out at 14. the school would report your mum for child abuse. you have to go til you're 16
  • 1 decade ago

    you can't get your license and drive alone until you're 18

    you can't get your own bank account under your own name until you're 18

    you can't run away at that age depending on the state you're in

    it's gonna be hard to find a job thatll accept you

    since, you're 17 the cops can drag you back and bring you to juvy (since you're not 18) for stealing money

    its not a great idea to run away. i kinda know how you feel cuz my life is somewhat similar. just be happy with what you have♥

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dont! please please dont. you are a strong person, i can tell just by reading that. there are ways to handle depression, and you can get an online high school diploma. as for the depression, you can just tell your doctor and he can either put you on something, or recommend someone who can. um... yes the cops can drag you back, until you are 18, but only if your mom tells them to. And actually there is something u havent thought of. How hurt will your mom and sister be when they find out you have run away? it sounds to me like they might not show that they care, but they are ur mom and ur sister! they both love you. a lot. Please dont be stupid and run away! please! And im sorry about your situation, but there are other ways to handle it.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're only 17. You can't make rush decisions like that. Since you are still a minor, you have no choice. You just have to wait until you become 18. And running away would only make matters worse. Don't even think about it. And please, respect God. If you're not a Christian, you didn't have to say what you said on the last line on the 3rd paragraph. Thank you.

  • 1 decade ago

    you have to be 18 to run away. you can go by yourseld, depending on where you live.

    18 to open your own bankaccount with out someone else signing on, you should bring your birthcert.

    by the way; if you run away; you WILL not get a job if you don't have a ged.

  • FAIL

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