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Jonny B asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why are people calling Lieberman a trader?

Didn't the dems abandon him a few years back? I think Lieberman is my new favorite senator!


Im sorry traitor. Thanks for pointing it out.

16 Answers

  • Jess H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The dems didn't "abandon" HIM. He completely abandoned the state of Connecticut gallavanting around the country doing anything and everything but representing the people of Connecticut, so when he ran for re-election in Connecticut, he lost the primary.

    So he's your new favorite senator? Is this the behavior that makes a senator your "favorite"? :

    --After losing the primary, he decided to run as a minor party candidate without actually joining that party, knowing there would be protection from the various officials in Hartford he's been friends with for 30 years or so.

    --Lieberman and 29 friends and relatives established Connecticut for Lieberman in August after he lost to Lamont - (25 people are necessary to form a new minor party.) The incumbent then petitioned his way onto the November ballot, won a fourth term and walked away from his new party. He remains a registered Democrat but prefers to be referred to as an independent.

    ---It is against state law to knowingly circulate a false petition. The secretary of the state accepted Senator Lieberman at his word that he would form a new minor party so he could get maximum ballot access. . . . It has become clear Senator Lieberman had absolutely no intent whatsoever, at anytime, to join or form a new minor party in Connecticut.

    ---During the 2006 election, Lieberman promised to hold hearings on how the Bush administration handled Hurricane Katrina if he was elected. He would be the head of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. He would be the one that would make the decision on what hearings to hold and what documents to demand from the White House. He promised he would hold them accountable.

    Of course, as always he was lying. Instead, he has just announced that he will hold no such hearings and that he will ask for none of the documents that could show how the administration mishandled the crisis. Heaven forbid that he should do his job.

    ---Lieberman pretended to be a concerned moderate on Iraq during the election, and then immediately showed how extreme he is right after the election. There was no more talk about finding the best possible way out of Iraq. Instead, Lieberman immediately embraced escalation.

    ---We knew he was going to do something like this. We knew he didn't give a damn about the Democratic Party. We knew all he cared about was making sure we escalated the Iraq War and never withdrew. And we knew he was lying to everyone in Connecticut to preserve his own power.

    --He is the senator from the state that is known as the "Insurance Capitol of the World". He is completely bought and sold by the insurance companies. He is on the payroll of the insurance companies. He has a MOTIVE to kill health care reform, and it has nothing to do with making things better for the American people.

    ---Yes, we know. You want to kiss his feet for being such a pain in the a-- to his own party and the people who elected him. Well we can tell you something...when we oust him from his senate seat, you and the Republican party are WELCOME TO HIM. Just be warned...don't think for one second that he won't stab you in the back just as quickly as he has the democrats if he doesn't think you're benefitting HIM enough. If you think that Joe Lieberman acts on behalf of ANYTHING but Joe Lieberman...if you think his motives have anything to do with doing what's "right" or taking care of the American people, then you're even stupider than we've given you credit for. If you haven't learned a lesson from his past behavior, then it would serve you right to get what's in store for you if you support Joe Lieberman.

  • madart
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He is part of the the Democratic Caucus and has retained a powerful chairmanship because of that. He doesn't have to vote on everything the Democrats do but he should at least work with them in not voting against them on procedural votes. If he can't at least do that then why is he still part of the Caucus? Why is he retaining his powerful chairmanships?

    The Democratic Party did not turn their backs on Lieberman. His state democrats voted against him in the Democratic Primary because they felt he didn't represent them. Guess what? An overwhelming number in his state are in favor of health reform, so they seem to have had a point. He is also not even supporting his own cause when he opposes Medicare buy-in- he supported it it as recently as 3 months ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    Senator Lieberman is a traitor to the elite wealthy democrats because he votes in good of the country over political ideologue of the elite wealthy leftist democrats.

    Yes, the dems abandon him in 2006.


    Source(s): A is A
  • 1 decade ago

    He's a traitor because he constantly fails to vote in accordance with a) what he says he's for and b) what the people whom he represents are overwhelmingly for. Even among politicians, Lieberman is pretty skeezy.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Don't "embrace" him too much: if memory serves, he was also one of the deciding votes on Clinton's impeachment that he "conveniently sold" to become the VP candidate in 2000... Lieberman has a "habit" of voting along with the very Party he "rebelled" against! I DO sympathize with the DNC-backed threat made to cut off his wife from her charity work... Extortion seems to be another favorite DNC policy: now they are threatening to close Offutt AFB in Nebraska if Nelson doesn't vote for the Obama Legacy also. And they claim to "support the troops"... HA!

  • maxmom
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's traitor.

    HE switched parties because he thought he had a better chance at a top office as a Dem. He was originally GOP.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Source(s): Not you, the word.
  • 1 decade ago

    Because he's working for the banks, and they are, in a sense, traders? Don't know, haven't heard anyone call him a trader

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Trader? I don't know, I mean he's a politician not a stock broker. Oh, they meant traitor. Treason against those committing treason isn't treason.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lieberman has always been Independent. He's primarily for those in the state whom he represents, rather than the party of one side or the other.

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