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Do the young Americans know how the Healthcare Plan will hurt them>?

***Watch Dick on Thursday, 12/17/09, on Hannity on FOX News at 9:00 PM ET. Thanks!**



Published on on December 17, 2009

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A detailed analysis of the Obama health care program now before the Senate indicates that it will force big premium increases for all families especially for those under 30 years of age.

The study, by the consulting firm of Oliver Wyman, concludes that premiums for individuals will rise by $1,576 and $3,341 for families by under the bill. Young people will be hit the hardest. The study predicted that premiums for new health insurance policies purchased by the youngest third of the population would rise by 35% under the bill.

These increases will stem from the bill's provisions that bar insurance companies from raising rates on sick people and from excluding people based on pre-existing conditions. Both of these mandates will mean higher costs for the younger and healthier population. This bill is, in effect, a tax on the young.

Nor will subsidies do much to mitigate the impact. To get a subsidy under the bill you have to earn less than about $80,000 a year (combined household income) and have spent between 2 and 10 percent of your income on premiums.

So a couple making a combined income of $40,000 would have to pay about 5% of their income: $2,000 before they could get subsidies. Those making $60,000 would have to pay about 8% of their income -- $4800 - before they could get a subsidy. And those making $80,000 would have to chip in 10% of their income -- $8,000 - before they would get a subsidy.

These are hefty bills for young families to bear.

So most won't do it. The fine for failing to have health insurance is only $750. So most young people will just pay the fine and be done with it. When they get sick, they'll get covered and the insurance company can't charge them a higher premium than it would have charged when they were healthy. And it can't turn them away.

So this bill is not a measure for full national health insurance coverage. At best, it's a bill that will insure you when you are sick and make the rest of us pay the bill. And, in the meantime, you'll have to chip in $750 a year for the privilege.

Employers, too, will find it much cheaper to pay the $750 per employee than to buy insurance.

Ironically, there is a good chance that this bill will actually increase the number of uninsured. Its ban on letting insurers raise rates on sick people will force premiums so high that many people will drop their insurance. After all, when they get sick, they can and will easily get their insurance back.

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11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I didn't know that.

    What I did know was that "they" had compared Obama to Hitler. How is this relative? I don't really know. (:

    <3, Just another young American.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hahahaha, you fell for the insurance companies okie doke. Business 101, prices go DOWN when there's competition. There is a GREAT NEED for a government sponsored health care plan for people who would otherwise be unable to afford the insurance company premiums. Hospitals close all over the country because they GO BROKE treating people with no insurance and they go uncompensated for millions of dollars. Dont be a neocon flunkie.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    It value greater for the government however the individuals who approve of this are people who haven't any money. Democrats care much less on the subject of the governments money and greater for the human beings's money. some human beings like me think of it is a robust factor.

  • 1 decade ago

    Blacks are the only ones that want healthcare, although I have no problem helping a person in need. I don't want to know that my tax dollars are going to help keep thugs and gansgters alive.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Please take your proselytizing to the Politics section.

    "These increases will stem from the bill's provisions that bar insurance companies from raising rates on sick people and from excluding people based on pre-existing conditions"

    How is insurance companies not rejecting people who need care the most a bad thing?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fox is no longer a news organization, but a religious organization that peddles social commentary and furthers republican agendas. They are a joke and I would not trust any of their numbers especially considering I have seen them throw up percentages on the screen that added up to 140% and they didn't even realize it.

  • 1 decade ago

    No i don't know , and i don't care about Dick Morris or eileen Mcgann and i don't even watch fox news, and also not looking to forward read the book and watch fox news!!!

    Republicans is just a bunch of cry babies!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes we do know that the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer and the only person the healthcare bill will help is the insurance companies who will be richer still while the poor die.

    yes we do know. they lied of course and now it is too late to stop them. yes we do know, in technicolor we know

  • benji
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    @ Scott: Conservatives whine about everything? Lmfao! Good one. Liberals never complain, whine, or over-apologize (sarcasm).

    I just wrote a paper about this for my political science class. And YES it will hurt more than help, especially younger americans.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No it wont!!!

    Its just you ridiculous "conservatives" who cry about it.

    Everything bothers you and you complain about everything. Get over it

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