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Ladies: Would you marry someone who couldn't have children?

I've been thinking about this lately. I just recently found out for sure that I cannot have children. I have Cystic Fibrosis, so I also won't live very long.. probably just into my 30's. I'm wondering if you would marry someone who you knew you couldn't have kids with and wouldn't live very long. I'm not planning on getting married any time soon, I'm only 18.. but I'm just not looking forward to being lonely for the rest of my life. Please be honest. Thanks!

44 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If I loved the person, then I would definitely marry them, even if they couldn't have kids. I always figured that if I got married, I'd want to have children, and if I never got married and didn't have children, I'd be happy anyway. Like another answerer said, I don't think I'd be able to marry someone who didn't *want* children. I've always been surrounded with kids, and while I'm not obsessed with them, I don't hate them. But there's a big difference between not wanting something and being unable to do something.

    There's always adoption and I've always been interested in that, so definitely. Without a second thought. There are ups and downs to everything.

    I think the shorter life span would get to me though. My mom has a friend who got married to a guy her mother disapproved of simply because he wasn't rich, and shortly after she gave birth to their first and only child (nine days later), he died. It's been fifteen years and she still can't let go of him and doesn't want to marry again. I don't know if I'd be able to do that. But I'm not sure, since I'm not in that situation. I still think I'd be able to go through with it; I'd just make sure to treasure every moment we had.

    Don't let it get you down, though. Doctors aren't God. If someone can't tell you how and when they're going to die, there's no way they can tell you when someone else is going to die. I have an aunt who was told she wouldn't make it 2 years after she was diagnosed with some condition, and she's been alive for almost 10 years now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd love to have children, and coming from a family with 11 children, am totally used to them, but if the person I loved was unable to have children, I wouldn't mind not having any of my own. I would definitely marry someone unable to have children if I loved them. Though, we would adopt. I've always been interested adoption and admired people who have adopted. Even thought it takes alot of time and money, it would be worth it. We'd be giving a child a second chance. It wouldn't matter if we didn't have the same genes running through us.

    I think it's sort of different with the dying earlier scenario. We all die as some point, I suppose, and no one ever knows when they will die but when I'd actually *know* that my husband will die during the first years of our marriage, I'm not sure if I'd have the courage to marry him. I feel really terrible for saying this, but I don't think I'd have enough courage. I'd probably try to spend as much time as possible with him though, and pray for a cure so that my years with him would be many. But thats such a stupid thing to say because as I said before, we never know when anyone will die. I could marry a perfectly healthy man and a day after our marriage, he could be hit by a truck and die. Man, I'm so optimistic. However, I completely change my answer for this. I think I would marry a man I loved even though he had limited time left. I *think*.

    I hope that someday soon they will find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. Don't give up hope.

  • Hiccup
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If I loved the person, I'd want to be with them for as long as I could, I'd especially want to be there for them when things got hard. It's always nice to know that somebody is there. Even though I'd be devastated by the short amount of time together, at least it was some time. Which is more then other people get.

    As for kids, there's always adoption, etc. I do want a big family, but it's not something I would break up with someone over. (If they don't WANT kids, it's another story, but as for not being able to have them.. well that's out of their control)

  • In a word, absolutely.

    I can't speak for most, even some women here, but I can honestly say that a man's fertility is the last thing I am looking for in one. So long as they are kind, loving, intelligent and humerus, it doesn't matter to me whether or not they're shooting blanks. Then again, I'm an exceptionally tolerant person with caveats of her own, so it would be hypocritical to say that I would care if a man was fertile.

    It is also well to consider that many women, and numbers are rising, have infertility of their own, so even if some sort of subconscious mind game was played to attract women only to fertile men, there are still plenty of women out there who can't have children of their own either. I'm sure you'll find love, and should you be inclined to start a family, you could always use a sperm donor or, which I would further recommend, adopt! There are plenty of options out there for infertile couples.

    I'm sorry to hear that you have CF, that's really too bad, but always remember that love was a thing designed to incorporate every person on the face of the planet Earth, and you're no different. Keep your chin up, new treatments are being developed as we speak (or rather, as we write), who knows what could happen within your hopefully long lifetime.

    Be well :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think it would be hard to know what I would do unless I was in that situation. But as much as I love my husband now, if I had found out (while we were dating) he was sterile for some reason, I would still marry him. I've always wanted to adopt anyways though, so that may be different for some people. But I think if you love someone enough, that doesn't matter. That you can work around that. Ever seen a Walk to Remember? I think there are people out there who are that kind. So to answer your question, yeah, I would marry someone who couldn't have children.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im 27, Yes, I wouldn't think twice about marrying someone who couldn't have children. It defiantly would be harder to fall in love with someone who would probably pass away at a young age, but that wouldn't hold me back either. I think that to find a good person and to have them in my life, even if its for a short time, is worth it. The thing is no one knows when it will be there time to go so why even bother guessing. I could marry someone and then find out he is infertile and has cancer. Would I love him less? No. The right women will love you for who you are. She'll see all the wonderful things you can do and not those you cant.

    Best wishes in your life.

    P.S. Im single and Im not lonely (most of the time). Surround yourself would good people and it wont matter if you have a wife or not. When the lucky lady does end up showing herself to you, then you'll be a better partner because you have a good connection with people and you'll be strong in your sense of self.

  • I would marry someone who couldn't have kids without a second thought. I love our son, but I would have been fine with just having my husband and no children if that had been the case when we married.

    As for not living long, I don't know. I had a good friend who had cystic fibrosis and I saw what her life was like, I think it might hurt me too much to watch someone else I loved go through that day in and day out. She did not have an easy life and as a person who cared for her, it was so hard to watch.

  • 1 decade ago

    When you find someone that really loves you... they'll marry you no matter what! But I know plenty of people that couldn't have kids and now they have one or many! If God wants to give you kids... You will have some

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my husband had an undescended testicle.he had the operation very late (at 11 years old).

    one testicle is much smaller then the other. we knew he may not have a child. he wanted to take a sperm test to be sure. I did not want that, because I know he is the one I would like to spend my whole life with, even if I can't have any children and I wish for the end of time. But I wouldn't hesitate if it's going to last for a year.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm going to be honest, I probably wouldn't.

    I've always wanted children, for as long as I can remember. I work with disabled children everyday and I love it, I have 3 nieces and I look after them whenever I can, I don't think I could ever marry a man who couldn't have children or didn't want them...

    As for the not-so-long life expectancy. I'm not sure, I lost my best friend and boyfriend of 8 months in January this year and it hurts more and more everyday to think about him, I don't even like talking about him and it's virtually impossible to look at a picture of him...I don't know if I could go through that again. But then again, no doctor can tell you when you're going to die, they can guess but they can't *tell* you when it's your time to go, so that's a hard one.

    I'm sorry to hear about that though, but I'm sure there are girls out there who feel very differently. :)

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