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Lv 6
Stan asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why do Repubs block you?

I recently answered a repub on here who goes by the name of a famous growth product for men. (5th generation) I answered his question in a thoughtfull manner, but I did call him out on specific distortions and challenged his version of the truth...well, the guy blocked me, and probably reported all know who I'm speaking of.

Is this anyway to open your mind and learn? Or are some on here simply to spout off about their right wing talking points they plagarized from various sites?

I could've possibly learned something from this guy, and he could've learned from me, but because he faced an answer from someone with a modicum of intelligence, who dared disagreed with him, he blocks me and reports me?!

Whining little babies..if you believe in your America, then stand up and fight for it.


Hey, I appreciate all the answers. I also appreciate dissenting viewpoints, as I said...I might learn something? For the record, I have never blocked anyone...that's the coward's way out.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They do it because the don't want to hear dissenting opinions, they don't want to be challenged intellectually.

    People like Enzyte Bob don't want to learn. They've already got it all figured out.

    Source(s): he blocked me after I pointed out that the US postal service, which he considers to be a "socialist" entity, was engineered by Benjamin Franklin.
  • 1 decade ago

    Well as you know (hopefully) there are extremists on both sides. As a Conservative, I welcome a vigorous debate from another ideologue as long as it's civil, there is concession and there is INTELLIGENCE involved. I am not above to "agree to disagree" as long as there is respect for the other side and their views. But when the name calling and the slanders and put downs start flying, I just let them rant for it shows their true identity and philosophy. "It is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Confucius.

    I do believe in America, I swore an oath to defend and protect her, I believe in the Original Intent of our Founding Fathers and want to Conserve what they wanted this government to be. I will fight for what I believe whether it is with words or if forced into it, my fists. I will always stand up to what I perceive is wrong and will argue the point unless I am proved wrong with VERIFIABLE fact. At that point, I will concede and will adapt my beliefs to the new circumstance.

    I do not side with either "established" Political Party because for the most part, they do not represent me or others who think like me and those numbers are growing. If the individual you speak of "Blocked" you, then take it in stride as to who or what type an individual was involved and go on. There are others out here that will debate with you both one on one or in this forum. I, for one, look forward to it.

    Source(s): My Life's Philosophy
  • 1 decade ago

    Bothers you does it? You haven't brought this on yourself by harassing ol Bob #5, right?

    Not saying YOU ever maliciously, falsely or just for spite ever 'report' an answer or question, but it seems that's happened pretty regularly to me. Seems direct responses with refuting links as proof to the rants of some, they just can't take it or perhaps the 'answerers' of the questions lurk / troll around to hack other folks they 'don't like' because we poke holes in their little balloons. When my answers were 'reported' I just used to brush it off as cheap shots (lies) from the left. Until my YA was 'suspended' for 'spam' as a false report.

    Now I challenge every false report, I'm not putting up with it anymore.

    But I've never 'blocked' anyone. Yet.

    Source(s): one of the links that hard left really don't like
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some of the reporting rules are a little ridiculous. It seems you can report anyone for any reason. There needs to be a more reasonable approach.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I stand up and fight and get called a racist because I believe that we need to control our boarders and that I hate poor people and children because I think Obama Care is the dumbest thing to come out of DC since Jimmy Carter.

  • Kimi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I agree. If you only talk to people who agree with you, it defeats the purpose. Being open minded enough to at least listen to different opinions is a good thing.

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'm Republican, and I only block people I suspect are going through my answers and reporting me because they don't like MY politics. I have, however, been blocked by liberals. Not that liberals are worse on that point, only that I tend to disagree with them more.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a conservative. I find that liberals cannot stand the truth. So my valid comments frequently get flagged. Liberals seem to have an attitude of superiority that is not warranted. I sense that in your comments.

    Give me one good liberal idea which you think will educate the conservative masses.

  • 1 decade ago

    I block mostly of reporting.....Most of the liberals here are little sissy girls & boys and if they see an answer they don't like they and their sissy freinds report it and we're just getting a little tired of it.

    I report NOBODY simply because you and everyone else is entitle to your opinions and I respect that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are a few here that are probably just political party plants on both sides. The are here to defend and attack, and you get in their way of sending their political message.

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