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Could I get some conservatives to comment on my paper?


I am a graduate student in mathematics, and I am submitting a paper for publication on heat kernels and groupoid algebras. I'm a little worried, however, because I've been reading the news lately and it seems that we need to let conservatives weigh in before something can be admitted as scientific truth. I mean, I've never really even read the bible; how can I know if one of my theorems contradicts something in it? Are there any certified republican arbiters of scientific truth on this site who would be willing to take a look? I suppose you'll probably need to hack into my e-mail account before you can reach a final conclusion; I just ask that you stay away from the ones from my girlfriend as some of them are a little dirty. Thanks in advance!

8 Answers

  • BigD
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It would be funny if it wasn't true.

    Ah, its funny anyway...!

  • Ron R
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago don't think it is wise to get others people's opinions?..........after all everything that science does and "proves" is subject to their own "truths" and yet, almost every day science "proves" much of past scientific "truths" are no longer true but instead "advanced" understandings of a prior long as "science" can not prove why a human's dna is Unique to each and every human, then it can not prove where life comes from, for life , through science, is "created on a daily can only determine "truths" by scientific methods, and that small part of dna that "appears" in every human differently ..... it has no scientific explanation or Origin..........and therefore by scientific "truths" is "unknown" and it is the unknown that is the oragin of all religions.........

    Source(s): source: science can only claim as a "theory" 99.9% of human life...the other .1% is that which proves science ...unfounded in the existence of human life.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Evolution" is Darwin's THEORY, yet liberals treat it as scientific LAW...

    "Atmospheric CO2" is the crux of Gore's "inconvenient truth", yet EVERY ice-core and earth-core samples show that CO2 levels are a RESULT of global warming, NOT a CAUSE....

    and you claim it is the Conservatives who don't respect SCIENCE?

    Like most college students.... you are severely confused and don't fully comprehend the "real world". Let me remind you... you're professors TEACH because they can't DO anything else. Don't live/die by what they tell you. You may find that they're not all that brilliant.

  • Oscar
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You can probably get away with it. Just don't send detailed instructions on how you cheated. And then save them for 10 years or so.

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  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Nice spin.

    Almost as good as 'hiding the decline' to pretend proxy data you use to erase the little iceage and middle age warming period is actually accurate.

    I predict you will go far in the ivory towers of liberal activism packaged as 'pscience'.

    However, you are correct that no one outside of those towers will believe a word you say.

  • 1 decade ago

    you lost them at "heat kernels".

    Well done, though. This is how satire should be done (take note, righties).

    ShtHammer - Please understand that scientific theories are observable and can be proven, whereas creationism is just a plain old "theory" that can not and will never be proven.

  • Don M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    People using pseudo science to advance a political agenda were caught red handed. Get over it.

    Besides, I thought left-wingers loved whistle blowers!

    You're welcome.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a conservative. I could comment on your paper. I suspect you will not understand my critique.

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