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Why isn't it obvious that Nuclear Power is the answer?

Top CO2 emitters.

Notice the only G8 member NOT on that list?


Who has a *LOT* of Nuclear power plants.

Also, notice, oh AGW deniers that Russia is #3 on that list. You know...the place where all your hacked emails and 'falsified data' keeps coming from?


Curtis 1911: The delusion that wind and solar power, which are pushed by 'liberals' is just that...a delusion. They are a multi billion dollar a year industry, and the fact that libertarians and Republicans buy the idiotic idea that they are not just shows how much they are incapable of understanding basic economics or science.

Update 2:

mn_ktx: I'm sorry, but new 'next gen power plants' are quite safe compared to the old, so Liberal birth defects will be lessened.

Conversely, birth defects, such as a propensitiy for being a sociopath that inflicts 40% of our population, will continue to spread as long as that segment of the population remains fertile.

Not that I am advocating government sterilization, but from an evolutionary perspective, I do feel that it would be to the advantage of our species if conservitves voluntarily elected to do so.

Update 3:

mn_ktx: I'm sorry, but new 'next gen power plants' are quite safe compared to the old, so Liberal birth defects will be lessened.

Conversely, birth defects, such as a propensitiy for being a sociopath that inflicts 40% of our population, will continue to spread as long as that segment of the population remains fertile.

Not that I am advocating government sterilization, but from an evolutionary perspective, I do feel that it would be to the advantage of our species if conservitves voluntarily elected to do so.

Update 4:

Aegis of Freedom: Nasa says that AGW is real. You like to cherry pick facts but NASA as an institution tried to issue reports decrying it as false that the Bush administration suppressed.

Update 5:

Aegis of Freedom: You mean like the NASA report the Bush administration kept locked up for 8 years that said that AGW was real? You mean that NASA?

Nice try.

Oh, and just as many Republicans suffer from NIMBY as democrats.

Update 6:

Aegis of Freedom: You mean like the NASA report the Bush administration kept locked up for 8 years that said that AGW was real? You mean that NASA?

Nice try.

Oh, and just as many Republicans suffer from NIMBY as democrats.

Update 7:

Donald T: Well the 'control' part of it is certainly true on the part of the Oil and Gas Russian/Exxon/Fox alliance. They want to continue to control energy.

Update 8:

Pfo: Well, I can't argue with people for not wanting to believe anything that comes from the filfthy mouths of FOX or the Russian Kleptocracy, but in the case of Nuclear power, it *IS* the best alternative.

Update 9:

Ungodly: Um, HELLO?! Like Wind and Solar companies aren't going to do the same thing?

How many nuclear disasters have you read about in France recently? This is FRANCE we're talking about and even though they elected a mentally defective conservative, this isn't like mentally defective conservative Russia we're talking about here.


It works. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Nuclear WORKS.

Update 10:

Ungodly: Um, HELLO?! Like Wind and Solar companies aren't going to do the same thing?

How many nuclear disasters have you read about in France recently? This is FRANCE we're talking about and even though they elected a mentally defective conservative, this isn't like mentally defective conservative Russia we're talking about here.


It works. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Nuclear WORKS.

Update 11:

agb90spruce: I appreciate your well thought out answer. I agree that in general, the power sources you mention are excellent ones, but they won't do the job all the way, at least not yet. But you are not a delusional psychopath and are thus worthy of respect.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I couldn't agree more.

    The only thing standing in the way is NIMBY.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because it isn't so obvious once you look at it.

    The problems with nuclear include:

    - Horrendously expensive

    - Long time required to license and build

    - What to do with spent fuel

    - Relatively short lifetime for reactors

    - Risk of fuel getting into wrong hands

    - Cost and availability of fuel and/or heavy water

    - environmental impact of uranium mining.

    - Cooling water availability in many areas

    - etc

    While all issues CAN be overcome (or ignored) there is a better alternative ... green energy (solar, wind, wave, geothermal, etc.) power.

    Given that the sun delivers more energy in one hour than the whole world uses in a year tapping into this free energy is the obvious solution.

    Sure there are issues (and many are similar to those associated with nuclear), but safety is not an issue, making green energy a far superior choice.

    The US has already announced steps to move forward on this by identifying the need to build a smart electrical grid to handle the power, putting high emphasis on R&D (to address issues such as battery technology and improved efficiency of PV panels), programs to promote consumer acceptance (e.g. incentives, grants), promoting manufacturing, etc. and most developed countries are rapidly scaling up their green energy infrastructure and programs.

    Sorry ... I used to think nuclear was the answer, but it isn't.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is the Democrats that have blocked nuclear power for the last 30 years.

    Democrats have all the power right now, they can lift the ban on nuclear power....they have not and will not.

    I deny AGW because it is scientifically proved false. I get my info from NASA ( not Russia, where do you get your data?

    Nasa data:

    Earth's atmosphere is 0.037% CO2

    Mars' atmosphere 95% CO2

    Both planets follow the exact same warming and cooling cycle, without deviation, which also follows the exact cycle of the sun.

    Nasa has proved beyond any shadow of doubt that the sun controls warming cycles, not man.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because liberal democrat politicians oppose all forms of viable energy.

    No matter what form of energy we discover or use the environmental left will not agree with it.

    Now of course they go along with wind and solar and some geo thermal but those sources are so small they have no effect on the national power grid.

    They even oppose hydro-electric power, because they say it destroys the eco-system, but the truth is a huge lake supports more eco then a river.

    The green hoax is just a method of getting to the bottom line of no-capitalism.

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  • Pfo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The right wing pushes nuclear power, that's why global warming believers decry it as not worthy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because corporations cut corners on safety for profits, or is that news to you?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The main purpose about the climate fight is control not fixing the climate.

  • 1 decade ago

    liberals are afraid their children might be born with brains and self responsibility

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