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  • Question for Liberals and Independents: Has Lieberman's attitudes on Healthcare changed your mind on Isreal?

    It has for me. I was originally very pro Israel, but the more time passes, the more concerned I was about their actions in Gaza, the fact that they keep electing these very war like governments and the fact that they just won't act in good faith on any agreement. They spin things a lot, but I don't believe them any more. They sound too much like FOX news now.

    But I think the final straw for me was the actions of Joseph Lieberman on Health Care. It might seem unrelated but anyone who acts like that towards health care reform, who supports AIPAC and is so pro Israel, probably isn't supporting something I want anything to do with.

    Note: I don't really care about libertarian or conservative view points, but feel free to spread your propoganda more if you want. I'll just hide you.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why isn't it obvious that Nuclear Power is the answer?

    Top CO2 emitters.

    Notice the only G8 member NOT on that list?


    Who has a *LOT* of Nuclear power plants.

    Also, notice, oh AGW deniers that Russia is #3 on that list. You know...the place where all your hacked emails and 'falsified data' keeps coming from?

    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is Limbaugh's bid to buy an NFL team pure theater to distract people about how Republican they are?

    Last month, Politico published a story showing how Republican the NFL was.

    So now, a few weeks later, the highly Republican player's union is rallying to keep the "racist Rush Limbaugh" from buying the team...

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think that the Republican objections to Obama winning the peace prize?

    Are playing right into the Nobel committee's hands?

    Do you think they deliberately voted for Obama as yet another way of showing how unpatriotic and sick Republicans are?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What would be the WORST possible scenario for an oil spill near NYC?

    Parameters: A single tanker of any size.

    How much would the spill be? Where would it hit that would do the most damage?

    (Needed for literary purposes. A 'perfect ecostorm' as it were.)

    5 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Something I think anyone can agree on: Harry Reid needs to go. Do you agree?

    If you're a Republican, he's a democrat in a very red state, so I imagine you want to see him go.

    If you're a Democrat, he's a total wimp who can't stand up to Republicans and needs to be thrown out of office on a rail.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If you are a democrat, do you plan on donating to the democratic party anymore?

    If you're a republican or libertarian I don't care what your opinion is.

    After the vote today in the Baucus committee, I, for one, am not donating a dime to the democratic party because I don't want my money going to Bush Dog Democrats.

    I will donate to individual candidates but not insurance company hacks.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • To independents: What do you think of the Census worker that was killed?

    According to CNN the body was found September 12th.

    I know what Democrats think of it. (Horror.)

    And I know what Republicans think of it.

    Who knows what the Libertarians think of it, but they're anti government like the Republicans and I don't hear them attacking Glen Beck.

    My question is, for those of you are independents, who make up those who decide elections....what do YOU think about this?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What would Patrick Henry have REALLY thought about Tea Parties?

    He was a radical, and he spoke his mind and always worked against Tyranny. And yet....and yet....

    I think he might have recognized the difference between Red Coats trundling down the streets of the colonies, and the government trying to institute health care.

    I especially think he would have been disgusted by the talk of succession.

    In his later years, he saw the French Revolution are radical and dangerous. "However, following the radicalism of French Revolution Henry's views changed as he began to fear a similar fate could befall America and by the late 1790s Henry was in support of the Federalist policies of Washington and Adams. He especially denounced the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, which had been secretly written by Jefferson and Madison, and approved by the legislatures of those two states. He warned that civil war was threatened because Virginia, "had quitted the sphere in which she had been placed by the Constitution, and, in daring to pronounce upon the validity of federal laws, had gone out of her jurisdiction in a manner not warranted by any authority, and in the highest degree alarming to every considerate man; that such opposition, on the part of Virginia, to the acts of the general government, must beget their enforcement by military power; that this would probably produce civil war, civil war foreign alliances, and that foreign alliances must necessarily end in subjugation to the powers called in."

    Same with Sam Houston, founder of Texas.

    "Despite Houston's wishes, Texas seceded from the United States on February 1, 1861, and joined the Confederate States of America on March 2, 1861. This act was soon branded illegal by Houston, but the Texas legislature nevertheless upheld the legitimacy of secession. The political forces that brought about Texas's secession also were powerful enough to replace the state's Unionist governor. Houston chose not to resist, stating, "I love Texas too well to bring civil strife and bloodshed upon her. To avert this calamity, I shall make no endeavor to maintain my authority as Chief Executive of this State, except by the peaceful exercise of my functions ... " He was evicted from his office on March 16, 1861, for refusing to take an oath of loyalty to the Confederacy, writing,"

    Glenn Beck talks about armed revolution all the time.

    The governor of Texas routinely talks about revolution.

    The Republican party thinks Joe Wilson is a hero and Joe Wilson supports a South Carolina State resolution ignoring any Federal Health Care legislation.

    So who are really the heirs of Patrick Henry and Sam Houston?

    The Republicans?

    The Libertarians?

    I think not.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Which of these three will you believe on health care?

    *The President who tells you that government health care won't increase the deficit, won't raise taxes on the middle class and won't screw with health care.

    *People who still think Bush was a good president and sold you the Iraq war.

    *People who don't believe that government can ever be part of the solution and want to eliminate almost all of it.

    I know which one I find more credible. And it isn't the latter two.

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Do you think conservative talking points largely gain traction by asking the same thing over and over?

    Do you think conservative talking points largely gain traction by asking the same thing over and over?

    Do you think conservative talking points largely gain traction by asking the same thing over and over?

    Do you think conservative talking points largely gain traction by asking the same thing over and over?

    Do you think conservative talking points largely gain traction by asking the same thing over and over?

    Do you think conservative talking points largely gain traction by asking the same thing over and over?

    Do you think conservative talking points largely gain traction by asking the same thing over and over?

    Do you think conservative talking points largely gain traction by asking the same thing over and over?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If you are a liberal or an independent who still supports or 'kind of' supports Obama, what ends that?

    What is your deal breaker?

    For me it is health care. I respect some of those who don't want government provided health care. I understand their concerns and disagree with them.

    As passionately as they feel about the Public Option I feel about Private Health Insurance companies. I hate them. I'd even be willing to do 'coops' if they outlawed for profit Health Insurance companies, but I don't hear anyone talking about that.

    Though I lean left, I am moderate on many economic or foreign policy issues, and my loyalty has limits. After reading today about 'anonymous' aids in the White House eager to take on the 'progressive' wing of the Democritic party, I decided that I'm taking a stand.

    Either Obama declares what he is and isn't for in the Health Care debate, so these 'anonymous' sources are discounted or true once and for all or I'm done.

    What is YOUR breaking point?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • So are conservatives hypocrites about gun ownership?

    So are Conservatives hypocrites about gun ownership?

    If you're a conservative and worried about the democrats 'taking over' its OK to buy a gun to defend yourself or 'revolt' but if you're a Democrat and worried about rampaging Conservatives running through the streets, burning democratic stories, looting democratic homes and burning them alive, you think they're wrong?

    Conservatives are talking about revolution all of the time. Do they think it will be a nice orderly affair? Do they think that the conservatives will all behave nicely and orderly and compassionately and not attack liberals?

    Yeah. Right.

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • So are conservatives hypocrites about gun ownership?

    So are Conservatives hypocrites about gun ownership?

    If you're a conservative and worried about the democrats 'taking over' its OK to buy a gun to defend yourself or 'revolt' but if you're a Democrat and worried about rampaging Conservatives running through the streets, burning democratic stories, looting democratic homes and burning them alive, you think they're wrong?

    Conservatives are talking about revolution all of the time. Do they think it will be a nice orderly affair? Do they think that the conservatives will all behave nicely and orderly and compassionately and not attack liberals?

    Yeah. Right.

    22 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • So Bush bashing is "tiring, and boring and old" and yet a 40 year old accidental death isn't?

    Republicans think that they can talk bad about a man who accidentally got a girl killed THE DAY he died, but bashing a man who is quite probably a war criminal and had a bunch of war criminals working for him is 'tired, and boring and old'.


    No wonder 40% of the population supports Sarah Palin for President.

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Republicans are saying Democrats will prevent them from using the public option. Why not do this?

    Seriously. Republicans keep saying that the free market is a great idea. They also keep saying that private health insurance is the way to go.

    So why not run a 4 year test? Anyone who wants to can get onto Medicare and anyone who wants their normal crappy private insurance gets to keep that.

    Or better yet...why not just cut off all federal funding for Republican dominated counties period? They hate the government after all.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you see any similarity between these tactics?

    Scientologists attack Psychologists who might point out some of the social engineering techniques that they use in recruitment and retention of their members.

    Republicans and conservatives attack Fact Check.Org as a liberal lie because it calls out some of the lies that they routinely spread.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Would you hire a communist or a crook to run your business?


    Then why would you hire a libertarian or a Republican to run your government?

    You know that a communist (a real one not a Republican invented one) hates money, so you know that they're going to try and destroy your business. And a crook is going to rob you blind.

    You also know that Republicans and libertarians, who hate the government, and who want other people to hate the government, are going to ensure that the government does the crappiest job it can at governing things.

    Look at how they responded to Hurricaine Katrina.

    Look at how they ran the Iraq war (as compared to our troops who did a good job.)

    Look at the recession that they got us into.

    Now the conservatives are saying what a horrible job the government will do with Health Care....and you want to listen to what they're saying?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If the elderly are going to take health care reform from the young because of lies, should we consider it?

    So old people are essentially saying "I don't believe what Obama says, I believe Republicans." They're essentially saying, "I don't care about anyone's health care but my own."

    So should we actually consider doing what they're accusing those who want health care of doing? If they are so gullible are they truly a lode stone upon society?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago